¡Bankroll Challenge! From NL2 to NL... ¿500?

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¡Bankroll Challenge! From NL2 to NL... ¿500?

Hello everyone! My name Shenzyu and I am almost an Aerospace Engineer (only have the FDP left). However, I have realized recently that although working as an engineer wouldn't be something bad for me, what I am really looking for is to become a professional poker player.

About my poker career, I have been playing for more than four years and I have always been a ZOOM player. As I was studying my degree in Spain, I always played in Pokerstars.es and never had the opportunity to play in any .com server. Now I am moving to the UK to study a master degree and that's why I am starting this Challenge, I want to see where I can get.

I have like a 1000€ bankroll right now, but I am starting with 20€ in Pokerstars.com (which is 21.64$) and as I was already playing in NL5-NL10 in Pokerstars.es, I will go up the first stakes pretty aggressively until NL10. My first goal is to completely beat NL10 by the end of September and I will try to update this blog every week.

Thanks for passing by and may the variance be always on our side!

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