Balancing Work & Poker

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Balancing Work & Poker

Hi Guys,

I know this type of thread might have been created before but I just need some advice on how some of you balance your work life & poker. I'm 22 and have been playing poker for the past 3/4 years, playing mainly in the winter months while I was in college and very little during the summer due to sport commitments & I mostly online. I have finished college now and recently started new a job but am looking to start taking poker seriously now. My working hours are 8.00am - 4.30pm & I have an hours drive to get home.

So basically my thinking is that I'll start at maybe 6.30/7pm and play until 10.30/11pm, I'll mainly be playing SNG's (2-4 tables) as tourneys will take too long, 4/5 nights a week at 4hrs/night will be approx 16-20 hours a week, so my question is, is this enough volume if you want to start taking poker seriously and making decent money? How long would it take to improve at this sort of volume? I know these questions are very player dependent but any rough idea would be great.

Can anyone who is in a similar situation give me some tips/advice on how you balance your work & poker, any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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modernbuddha 10 years, 6 months ago

I'm in a similar situation as you. Graduated, got a job and now my work commitments take up a huge portion of my M-F and afterwards it leaves me mentally drained and tiring. Poker is yet another mental activity and if I play too much right after work, it feels like I never get a real break.

To combat this, I've been significantly reducing my poker play time and selecting my opponents more carefully. Although this does reduce my overall volume, I find fishy/spewy opponents easier to play when I'm not at my 100% mental capacity. Also, I think having a balance of exercise, good diet, meditation, and social interaction will help tremendously. I'm still working on these four, but I think once I can achieve the above even given the short few hours I have after work, I will feel much better.

My two cents, and you aren't alone :(

ps. My ultimate goal: save enough money (work + poker), create a passive income source (investments, small business) and spend the rest of my days doing things that absolutely excite me.

MrWickwire 10 years, 6 months ago

Ya I feel the very same way as you do, just away too mentally drained after work to play.

I think I already have a decent balance of social interaction & physical exercise as I play team sports 3 times a week although diet and meditation could def do with being better!

Thanks for your reply and I hope you achieve your ultimate goal! ;-)

dIZane22 10 years, 6 months ago

Working Full-Time on a desk looking to a computer and then making a short/medium session at home looking again to a computer makes us feel a piece of garbage at the end of the day. :) 

My routine is very similiar as yours. I wake up a 7.30am and get home at  18pm. I try to begin a session at 19.30pm till 22pm because normally I have to make another pending tasks. I also play tennis 2 hours a week (1hour per day).

I made a schedule where I don't play nothing 1 day a week, but  I take it to study poker (maybe 2-4 hours) watching videos, reading hands and review some of my own hands. (btw I try to see 1 video per day here at RIO, also I read a poker book before bedtime). I have lucky too to access RIO from my work so this helps me a lot. On saturday and Sunday I try to play all morning or afternoon so that way I can compensate all the week.

It takes a lot of sacrifice to reconcile work with poker, but if you have passion for the game, you will do whatever it takes to study/gamble and to encourage yourself to move up levels.

I begun to play rush sng on full tilt (1,10$ on demand), than I moved to STT turbo and than Hyper-turbo 6max. Now I play NL10 and NL25 ZOOM and I think this is the best variant for me and for my routine, so make intentions to stick with it for a long time. Also I try to take shots on MTT on sunday, but not too late because monday is again workday :/

hope this helps you somehow. If you can either advice me I would appreciate :)

bdon22 10 years, 6 months ago

I also work 45 hrs/week with a full time engineering job on top of poker.

My best advice is to set reasonable monthly goals and work around a flexible schedule.

Some days you just won't have the energy to grind after a stressful day at work. Or your friends might call you out for drinks or to play a pick up game of sports. Don't bail on them! You will regret it deeply. This is how you stay balanced.

Any day where I can put in an hour of poker after working 8 hours at my desk job I consider a success. Anything more is gravy. Days where I am too tired or tilted, I will replace playing with watching some videos or checking forums for strategy.

Weekends is when I get most of my grinding done. I try to have at least 1 day on the weekend where I can get a solid 4-5 hour session locked in.

Some weekdays where work was particularly light and I still have lots of energy after work, I will put in a solid 2-3 hours and feel good about it.

Again the key is to set reasonable goals and not feel guilty when you see other people playing 60k+ hands per month and then realize you only played 20-30k.

And to answer your other question about whether it's decent money or not - the answer is obviously yes. Over the course of a year, 1 hour here or there adds up. 20-30 hours per month may not seem like that much. But over the course of a year that's 300+/- hours of grinding. And even if you're only making $20/hr or whatever that's still a solid $6k in your pocket that's tax-free because it's not your full time job. That's like adding closer to $9-10k on top of your base salary.

bdon22 10 years, 6 months ago

Mostly 200NL Zoom 6-max. I don't bother withdrawing from my BR as my day job has me covered for everything. This allows me to be a bit more aggressive with my BR. Zoom is the way to go for us 9-5 folks, I think.

modernbuddha 10 years, 6 months ago

Good advice, bdon22. I've been feeling like I had to make an effort to play some amount of poker everyday despite a busy day at work and it's really been tiring/burning me out. All day staring at computer screens and hardcore mental activity is really exhausting. Simply allowing myself to play when I'm up to it and pacing myself out improves my mental state greatly. Also, I like your point about keeping the larger picture in mind. Over the course of the year, I will have many, many hours to play and missing a day or two really won't do much harm from a volume perspective.

themightyjim 10 years, 6 months ago

It's actually not tax free, and technically you're supposed to pay on every winning session and not be able to deduct the losing ones I believe.  In fact if you're making decent side income from poker (enough that you're clearly leaving a pretty obvious paper trail) I'd consult a CPA and make sure you're not a) going to end up with an audit or b) paying or not paying taxes you should.

themightyjim 10 years, 6 months ago
consult your CPA.  the key is to make sure that if you're a significantly winning player that you have a plan for declaring your income, paying the portion of your taxes you believe is correct (based on some help from a CPA), and that you have data to back up your claims (in case you get audited).  If you do the first two things in a reasonably correct and honest fashion it's unlikely that you'll be audited and have to worry about the third thing.  But you should have the info just in case.

What you don't want to do is have a paper trail of thousands of dollars of poker winnings every year that you never declare on your taxes, and find yourself getting audited and paying huge penalties on years of unpaid back taxes.

themightyjim 10 years, 6 months ago

fwiw I have no idea that the situation for taxing poker winnings is in Canada, but I'd consult a CPA nonetheless.  I know on 2p2 there used to be a lot of discussion as to if and how much income tax professional players were legally required to pay.  I have no idea how those laws impact recreational players.

MrWickwire 10 years, 6 months ago

Thanks for the replies guys, I will take all  of your advice into consideration. Glad to hear I'm not alone on this. Gl at the tables! ;-)

Mushmellow 10 years, 6 months ago

Just don't overdo any one area of your life and you'll be fine. You have your entire life to play poker, there is no rush. Fish will always be swimming! :)

TheRaulrus 10 years, 6 months ago

For the majority, playing poker part-time is a decent way to make some extra income. Sounds like you have a full schedule with work and all, so maybe try playing on the weekends and devoting your free time to that. Better because after a full day's work, it's normal to feel tired and even less motivated to do the things we actually wanna do just because our energy level really isn't at it's peak. For me, I work full-time Monday through Friday but I'll also do some poker study here and there throughout the work week as well. My weekends I have off from work, so I usually dedicate time to playing more hours either live or online, mostly live, and try to make a profit on those days. It all comes down to how you go about scheduling things and what's best for you, but playing when your energy level is good is key.

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