Bad BR Management and Bad leaks! HELP!!
Posted by BlueBoy442
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Mental Game
Bad BR Management and Bad leaks! HELP!!
Hi Guys
I have been spewing off BR after BR for over a year now and its all down to Tilt and bad BR management. I thought around 15 buy ins would be ok at micro stakes ZOOM (NLHE) as stupidly and incredibly arrogantly I thought the players couldnt be that good and I would run it up pretty quickly but after taking a few hits I would just spew it off jumping up the stakes to try and win it back!
i now know that 15 buy ins is awful! I have made my last ever deposit (I hope!) of 100 buy ins and will be playing right down to 5NL and wont be moving up until i'm comfortable and my BR allows me to.
I'll be totally honest, I believe in my technical game but my mental game is truly bad! I think it lies in the below;
- Impatience: Thinking that at micro stakes I should run my BR up pretty quickly and when I take a few hits I look at how long it'll take to win this back (one step forward two steps back).
- Entitlement Tilt: Thinking i'm better than micro stakes players so i'll raise with air OOP when losing as how can I lose!
- Why do I get such bad luck?! (Coming from the man who plays poker online in a warm house as he's privileged enough to get the internet in a first world country)
- Not being able to quit a losing session. I cant walk away after losing, when I know inevitably its going to happen anyway!
I have read Jared Tendlers books and I can recognise my flaws but I cant seem to put it into practice!
Any advice would be much appreciated guys!
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1: Write down your leaks, make sure the one that impacts your winrate the greatest is sitting on top of the list.
2: Figure out which one or which two are responsible for more than half your bad decisions and just focus on those for now.
3: Create habits that help you stay away from triggering those leaks.
For instance: to fix playing bad preflop in certain spots you can make your own charts on preflop play.
Ex: CO play:
Charts for:
- 3bet and flat range vs utg open
- 3bet and flat range vs hj open
- open range when folded to us
- 4bet and flat range vs button 3bet
- 4bet and flat range vs sb 3bet
- 4bet and flat range vs bb 3bet
Do this for every position. You now have your strategy preflop written down for 90% of preflop spots and you stick to it. You should only modify it when not playing, when you are doing off table analysis.
When you are 100% your leak is gone you can start exploiting people with leaks and going off your charts in some spots.
For postflop play: try to see how your preflop ranges hit certain boards vs how opponents hit it. Use Flopzilla or CREV. for postflop. Set your postflop strategy accordingly.
Do this for most board textures.
The more certain you are that your gameplan is good, the more likely you are to follow it and not go bananas. So work hard!
Hope this helps!
1: Write down your leaks, make sure the one that impacts your winrate the greatest is sitting on top of the list.
2: Figure out which one or which two are responsible for more than half your bad decisions and just focus on those for now.
the problem is when you have leaks you have to be fully aware of what leaks do you have and this is the big problem since most of the time you don't know if it is a leak or not, you are not often conscious except when it is something like you give up in MTT after getting a bad beat, and throw the rest of your chips ect ect...
I like this. Will try to use the recommendations for Reports with Filters in PokerTracker. I have been thinking of detecting leaks for MTT with PT 4 for a while. For Cash, we already have the nifty LeakTracker.
Thanks for your nice instructions. I am using an add-on Leak Buster in PT4 which helps me a lot to find out my leaks improve my poker win rate by preventing the mistakes.
Thanks for the advice, much appreciated! Breaking down position ranges is a great idea, i'll try that!
Aside from poker I also do some trading and they are similar in a lot of ways, risk/reward etc. They're also very similar in that people go busto for exactly the same behavioural reasons! You're not alone and your behaviour isn't abnormal.
One of the first things I was taught in trading is that it's human nature to try and take profit (reduce risk) when you are winning and chase your losses (take more risk) when you are losing. You are just being human! The problem is that it's entirely the wrong way to be for a game like poker and life in general. You need to be playing more when you are winning and less when you're losing. I'd suggest setting a cutoff limit, say 10 buyins, (I don't know, I don't play cash) if you lose this amount you simply stop playing for a few hours or the rest of the day, maybe go study some aspects of your game. This applies whether you lose 10 buyins straight out of the gate or if you're crushing and are up 30 but then take a hit and lose 10. At this point you have to identify that you are losing and not try to chase your losses and get to where you were. Everyones tolerance for this is different and I know we hear stories of epic high stakes battles with wild swings each way but if the swings affect your play at all then I think having a built in cutoff point is the best way to protect your capital and ensure you're playing in the best state of mind.
I have a written set of rules for my portfolio that tell me when I'm allowed to take more risk (move up the stakes) and if I hit a bad patch I have rules to tell me to take less risk (move down stakes) until I can grind my losses back up. It's a hard thing to do and I struggled with it at first but when you see how much more profitable it makes you, you'll be converted.
Ultimately you're the only one who can hold yourself accountable to your rules so you have to be disciplined enough to follow them and not cheat.
Thank you for the advice, really appreciate it. I know what your saying is true about dropping in stakes when you take a big hit and try to grind it back up but thats where my leak is, its a bitter pill to swallow and I just cant seem to do it! My thought process is that if I go up in stakes I can get the money back I lossed with a couple of winning hands and then go back down, which is an awful mindset, as in Poker, you are going to lose, its as simple as that! No matter how well you play! I just need to drill this logic into myself when I lose and turn it into something positive, as when you lose you learn!
Read about Jared Tendler's The Mental Game of Poker and the processes for doing mental game histories as well as how to profile and deal with tilt.
one of the easiest ways to turn a profit at this game is to play overrolled for your stakes. it feels good to have a losing session but still have a shit ton of buyins behind you.
I have read also Jared Tendler's books The Mental Game of Poker which has helped me a lot to understand the game. I have watched an amazing videos of him which has been added in Leak Buster page on controlling tilt.
lel, made my day c: , but iz tru 4 me as wel, not realizing how lucky i am, being healthy and having internet and oportunitiez
dont think u should quit just cuz u losing
Poker is not a race. I know you know this, but try to not look at results. The ability to make the "right" decision over time produces what you're looking for ($). I've spent so much time doing the same thing as you. Know you will win and lose and that one session doesn't defy you as a player. Write down goals and meditate and visualize them every day. Set your intentions. Control yourself.
tell me... i felt like it especially yesterday... racing while multitabling, i have to be at all tables, so i dont miss giving somebody a blowjob with my higher set
biggest fault of my racing is unpantientness and willing to win each pot by going allin, w/o blockers + vs. station regs with 30WTSD who just insane bluffcatching me light...
Thanks David, thats exactly what I have been doing lately. I'm not concentrating on short terms results. If I make the right play and lose, thats fine, i'm happy because I know in the long run it'll be profitable.
Goal setting has also definitely helped!
I'm convinced that if you can increase your self awareness and stop playing when you're not in an optimal state, it will produce amazing results. I think most people on this forum have a solid technical game. Or better than amateur and cresting on semi-pro/pro...anyway I know a player who plays DONs and low stakes SNGs (10-22$) and make close to 2250-2500$ a month. He simply has the best mental control and only plays when he is playing his A-game. Certainly an A-game is not needed at his stakes but he simply uses poker to supplement his income. Where his A-game is needed, as playing the least amount to hit his monetary goals. It's humbling watching his methods. I think just the tone of your post you need to take a break or find a way to get a positive mindset towards the game again. Yesterday, live, I got AA vs KK in AIPF and lost. I felt nothing and was super proud of how disconnected I've become to results. I reloaded and grinded for another three hours and won 168$ after being stuck 500$. Not significant figures but neat to see my personal progression. I've listened to all Mindset advantage podcasts and can't recommend them enough. Thought provoking for me, at least. Being positive is so plus EV in life.
i dont think that its good or +EV to quit when u tilt, it will accumulate anyway,,,, u have to keep playin and get used to losing, and theres no better way to get used to that , than keepin playin when u start to feel tilt
tho if u r sleepy then its - EV, i play when i am, and i microsleep inside a hand lool, time to quit bruuuuh
alltho if u tilt so much that it shuts down ur higher brain functions == thinking, then y quit, if u gonna just show ATC ... or ultimately u can just start to play tighter after u lose therefore tilt... but ppl r tilting also when they winning, they r stopping to think about highest EV lines cuz they think they always hit etc.... actually i d say that winner tilt is my problem even more than losing tilt... i do more shit when i m winning several stacks and therefore losing some values and doing some stupid shoves with second nuts in spot where they would often have a lot of nuts in range ..
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