Posted by Fatsally
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Mental Game
You guys addicted to audible yet?
I wonder if its changed anyone else's life as much as it has mine.
It's probably the main reason I still have a license.I no longer speed because I am so fully engaged whenever I drive.
I am also actually able to do housework now, something I actually wish my parents were still alive to see.
For type-A's who love learning new things and actually get stressed whenever they're burdened with "mindless" tasks this
App is like crack. Its is a great way to increase attention, improve memory, be inspred, stay motivated and amazingly increase thought speed.
I've worked up to 3x speed which at this point sounds completely normal to me.
Anyway this thread is to ask for favorite book recommendations So I can add to my library.
I'll start with one that will be hard, if not impossible to top; easily the best sports book I have ever read.
I guarantee you will love this:
House of nails by lenny dykstra
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All audibles u can find of Nassim Taleb I would suggest personally:)
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