Posted by desperhate
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Gen. Poker
anyone knows a good antivirus compatible w/ most poekr soft and reliable ?
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buy apple, thats best antivirus
yea u right
no system is immune from viruses or malware.
re anti virus for windows 7. just get microsoft security essentials. it's free and it has worked for me :-)
microsoft security essentials is the best I've used. Has a low ram imprint compared to most AV. Also running firefox with noscript installed is a good security measure
It's true, Microsoft Security Essentials is a great option, and free! Talk about +EV.
Interesting fact, I believe it was 2011, there was a major test of antivirus applications including all the big and small contenders. The best performance was actually Norton I believe, but it only caught 31% of all the threats! Due to this, many see anti-virus programs as a 'mental blanket'. Also, in reality the best way to stay safe is simply to avoid the 'dark corners of the internet'. :)
anti virus = waste of time and money for most people who know their way around the internet.
see funkyworms computer security for poker players thread:
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