Amazing Bluff Shove On River From Duhamel Vs. Antonio
Posted by Tjohnston
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Amazing Bluff Shove On River From Duhamel Vs. Antonio
Premier League 6
Duhamel Vs Antonio @ 11:00
What an amazing play!
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WOW.....all i can say. thats poker at a new level. Entire table was playing amazing.
Duhamel's play there is incredible. I try to imagine his thought process of putting Antonio on ranges ect and it's just amazing how perfect he played that hand.
very sick hand. wish we knew effective stack sizes at the start of the hand. Duhamels blockers make it VERY hard for Antonio to have a hand he can call with. Very polarizing spot to triple barrel for value too. So few combos in Antonios range that can be looking for value. To avoid getting blown off his hand, i honestly think Antonio will check back a hand as strong as K10, and maybe a strong J, not expecting to get value from worse. If Duhamel has this rationale as well, it's a mandatory check/jam spot. Well played Jonathan
the commentary was funny :)
not a fan of it - he reps little to nothing, antonios river vb range is fairly strong - if antonio will start folding big parts of his value range then its great but I don't know how likely that is....calling isnt a bad option either especially if antonio isnt barreling off small pairs here
What is Duhamel's perceived range? and with that board run out. I think Antonio's range is SEMI polarised there.
He is triple barreling against 2 floats on a dry board. I think most of his hands with showdown value are checking. But pairs 55,44,22, AQ, A10, maybe some 65/67 that is trying to push him off 77-88 assuming he doesn't 3bet pre with his pairs.
Then you think about his total air range, which Duhamel beat.
Then the range which is VBing.
Raising again Antonio here is strong, as what does he put Duhamel on to be triple barreling and calling down the river opposed to checking behind that he is representing he can beat.
EG to VB that river, Antonio is representing 'his range', so what is Duhamel's range on that river, that Antonio's rep'd range beats and is still willing to call a VB while risking a CR or Duhamel having better.
this might not even be that great of a play if antonio has a certain leak in his range that sizes this way on the river. i would'a c/f turn or river in duhamel's spot w/out some specific kinda read.
Until the turn i think the hand is standard. A lot of villans are checking back the flop with hands like K7+, so the K turn does not hit too much on villains range as we would think, and give to our hand some extra outs.
One you came to the river, i don´t realli like ship with almost no blockers to the flushes, i would think 2 things about his play on the river:
a) He is a soulreader and knows that Antonio is very weak.
b) He is just clicking random buttons, made a range mistake, and had luck to run in Antonio´s bottom range.
my thoughts exactly, very well analysed Juan :)
The raise is perfect on the river IMO, as he is pretty sure Antonio is weak and by jamming he is encouraging ALL of the bottom of his range to fold. Eg anything with a pair in it. If he JUST called he could be correct in his read of the bluff, but still be beaten by Antonio's bluffing range.
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