Am i too old?

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Am i too old?

Hello everybody! Been playing for 3 years on and off, I'm a very big slacker and a waste of skin most of the time. I'm 23 going on 24 In half year. I can maybe get 150$ to play 02 05c plo on stars, I'm not qualified mentally to play any lower. I can beat 25 50c with a large roll probably at a decent winrate, maybe more than decent if i stopped bluffing, but i tend to dump money when I'm tilted, so I'm in this situation. I can play 6 tables of regular, 4 of zoom pretty focused for long long hours and i don't get tired, unless i get bored. Should i just straight away give up or worth trying to make a living from this PLO thing? Honest and brutal opinions are welcome.

If someone suggest i should give it one last whirl or call it quits, and that someone has some experience, what should be my plan of action, tight is right? or loose and induce variance. I have no idea which style beats micro harder and more consistently since i don't really have any large data recorded. this is the reason i started day dreaming again.

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