Am I a winning player?
Posted by henrikemanuelsson
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Am I a winning player?
5 max NLHE
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Nice! What stakes are those?
Thx! 0,5kr/1kr, 1kr/2kr and 2kr/4kr. 1 dollar = 8,83kr.
If you can keep 32.58 bb/100 over a large sampleyou are a crusher!
28k hands is not a big sample, but with such a big win rate over that sample it is extremely likely that your real win rate is positive. Furthermore, it is very likely that it is also quite good. 32 BB/100 is of course unsustainable unless you are superhuman. :-)
I believe 30BB+/100 is sustainable at those stakes on this site (svenska spels poker). Also the rake is only 2,5 %.
How many tables? :)
Svenskaspel is the most easy site to beat when it comes to small stakes, your winrate will be much smaller on euro sites and stars if even a winner. So it depends.
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