Advice on hyper 6max SNG/MTT grind/supernova chase
Posted by ccoinflip
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Gen. Poker
Advice on hyper 6max SNG/MTT grind/supernova chase
Hi, I'll try to be as short as possible. I've been playing poker for some time now, mostly on and off but even though I wanted it to become serious I've never seemed to find the time(I played cash before, made a cashout @ around $1k) Now some things have changed and I made a decision to truly dedicate myself to the game and give my very best in order to improve and become a successful player.
For some time now, I've been watching MTT videos(essential, mostly stuff from nick rampone and espen sorlie) and my MTT game has improved greatly - I've also starting studying hyper 6max sngs via ILS007's videos(in order to improve shorthanded play and HU play) and I also have a subscription to ICMIZER2 - apart from that, I really like hypers because there's always traffic and they are finished quickly instead of those nitty turbo/reg sngs. So yea, basically I know some stuff, I'm far away from being a beginner, I just never seemed to find the time and motivation combined with proper discipline.
Now the advice I would greatly appreciate would be mainly concerning 6max hyper sngs - I know they are high variance, but I would like to know for example how many tournaments are needed to start to see how I'm doing, what kind of swings are normal(all the way from $1.5 BIs onward, i.e a 100BI downswing on mid/high stacks means nothing to me because they are more swingy than lower stakes) what problems will I face when playing, some 'tricks' which I'm supposed to figure out basically. I'm not looking for a coach nor do I expect anyone to tell me everything I have to do, but like I said, some general advice on 'what to watch out for' would be appreciated.
Same of course goes for MTTs, what times of the day are the best to play, what kind of traffic should I aim at etc. I'm an engineering student so I'll mostly be busy in the mornings but the rest of the day I can schedule to my needs.
My plan for the end of this year is to 'get in the zone of learning/grinding - basically having a momentum' which in turn I plan to turn into something bigger next year - a supernova chase(hence one more reason why hypers) maybe to a lot of people will this seem completely unrealistic but so far in my life experiences I'm known for succeeding as an underdog and overcoming the odds.
I'm not really looking for a 'study buddy' (even though I wouldn't mind at all) but more of a pointer type of person that has been through some stuff and is willing to shed some light :)
Thank you.
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