Add $ to poker bankroll to move up, or grind it out?
Posted by tonic1223
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Gen. Poker
Add $ to poker bankroll to move up, or grind it out?
I wanted to get others opinions on this. If someone is a proven winner(6+bb/100) over a large enough sample(100k+ hands) at nlhe 6max at 25nl for example, would it be better for that person to add money to their poker bankroll via their full time job so they can move up to 50nl/100nl, or is it more wise to continue to play 25nl until the bankroll is big enough to play at 50nl? I personally have my own thoughts on the pros/cons for each situation, but would like to hear from RIO :)
Also another question, this is aimed more at current fulltime grinders who play poker for a living. Do you keep your poker bankroll and life bankroll separate, or are they one in the same? How do you keep them separate if poker is the source of growing your life bankroll? Arent they technically the same? I mean sure, you can set aside a certain amount for a poker bankroll, and if its busto then you just give up and get a real job? Or do you dip into the life bankroll to continue in your "career"? Hope this question makes sense.
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