above average video please !

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above average video please !

haven't seen an above average video for so long now ...

as a elite member I expected a super good video, theory, haha moment, etc ... at least once a month, but so far it s not the case, it's been more than 2 months since I haven't seen one ... for the price I expected better contents more often ...70% MTT, 20% omaha, 15% 6max, 2% hu, 3% theory ...

might be a bit of a caricature but it s how it feels ...


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Chael Sonnen 11 years, 8 months ago

My suggestions would be to upload slightly fewer PLO/MTT videos, and slightly more NL cash.
Specifically 6max/HU, and a lot of live sessions, since NL cash is the most popular format, I assume.
But those are just observations. You guys owe me nothing.

Yaphet-Kotto 11 years, 8 months ago

I'd pay $100 for one Lefort vid per week along the lines of his "Analyzing a River C/R Range" vid. 

More Odds Oracle work (both for NL and PLO) would also be great. 

jonna102 11 years, 8 months ago

+1 for Lefort.  Now if he'd also throw in a PLO video here and there.  I think I saw him at the stars HS tables one day.

strain 11 years, 8 months ago

I have to agree, the standard of NL videos have been very poor as of late.
It is also not very motivating to see that the majority of pro's making videos are not even winning in their games (NL Coaches).

Gerhardt Goll 11 years, 8 months ago

Honestly, you must have deficient comprehension not to realize the gems on this site.  After the series of Phil reviewing IsilDROON came out, this site was complete for me.  Not to mention LeForts invaluable vids.As far as NL is concerned, in his first video on here, Phil stated his main focus & concern will be PLO, which he gave justifications for.  I agree that there aren't just breathtaking videos being released daily but you have to ask yourself why is that.  What are you looking for or looking to get out of a site like this?  Out of a coach? (BTW these aren't just any coaches teaching you how to beat small stakes)

I think the main problem is not knowing how to watch or interpret what you're seeing.  Poker is a game of being self-reliable, self-confidence in your ability to detect and make correct decisions and proper adjustments regarding the scenario you're faced with.  No coach, IMO, can specifically teach you that.  There is no ABC approach or gold standard of what to follow to become an excellent & successful poker player.  If it was that simple, there wouldn't be a minority living lavishly from it.  Phil's vids alone are worth the admission.  It's not like a video comes out today,  you watch it for an hour & now you've become a master.  I'm constantly re-watching videos to fully grasp what I believe I'm missing.  And it has done soo much for me, that I am nothing but grateful that a player of Phil's caliber is so willing as a teacher in this hard game to teach.

I do agree with you on the majority of MTTs or IsilDROONS quantity over quality constantly being the main ones out there, and not particularly helpful to experienced players.  I just also think that a lot of quality has come form thsi site which you won't find elsewhere, especially not with the top players in the world discussing specific hands on the comment sections or forums

Mikey Stotz 11 years, 8 months ago

Hey guys - 

We give our pros the flexibility to make whatever videos they'd like within reason.  If we hired them as an MTT professional, we expect them to make MTT videos.  That said, all of our pros are receptive to input from you guys as to what type of videos you'd like to see.  If you have something in mind that you'd like to see from a specific coach, feel free to PM them or send me an email at support@runitonce.com and I'll pass it on to them.

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