A Chinese Coaching Video Sites that stole Everything from Runitonce.com. Apology for TLDR

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A Chinese Coaching Video Sites that stole Everything from Runitonce.com. Apology for TLDR

Hi everyone,

I would like to bring to your attention a website
neverdeal.com that blatantly plagiarize from runitonce.com. This is going to be
way TLDR but I really hope runitonce.com management will see and act on this. The
website is based in and targeted at poker players in China. It is heartbreaking
for me to be typing this as I am a poker player from Hong Kong and am
ethnically Chinese. I am furious and ashamed of what my fellow countrymen had
done. I also have some information that leads me to believe that the creator of
neverdeal.com intentionally plagiarize and is not particularly apologetic about

Firstly, the website is at www.neverdeal.com.
I am not exactly computer savvy so I would recommend you use reasonable amount
of caution and anti-virus softwares. If you visit the home page it should
already struck you as familiar as it has the same style, layout and feel as
runitonce.com. To see their videos, a free account is needed. You may make your
own or you can use the following that I created using a throwaway Gmail

Login: HongKonghero

Password: Ionlyfuckthatmany

Once you are logged in, you would see the page design is a
complete ripoff of runitonce.com.

Secondly, I shall credit the discovery of this site to 2p2
user Nightmare87 who created a thread on this matter. The link is (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/29/news-views-gossip/chinese-coaching-site-priate-edition-runitonce-com-1479232/).
It is also this very thread that brings my attention to this site. Nightmare87
posted some screenshots about the site creator Hao “onlymany” Tian. There were
also screenshots of video listings on neverdeal.com that suggest that the site
carries videos from runitonce.com from contributor Paul Senter, Espen Sorlie,
and Owen Shiels. To give you an example, (http://www.neverdeal.com/post?id=2089)
and is a video by Paul Senter and is identical to this

Thirdly, Tian posted a response on that 2p2 thread. The link
is (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showpost.php?p=44833667&postcount=44).
It is up to you to decide whether his defense is adequate or not.

Fourthly, while Tian’s tone in his statement seems at least
somewhat friendly and mildly apologetic, the same cannot be said about his
public conversations on weibo. (FYI, weibo is the Chinese equivalent of
Twitter). Another 2p2 user ypt brought this to attention (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showpost.php?p=44835426&postcount=56).
You need a weibo account to see the tweets. From what I can see he is very
unapologetic and arrogant about the site. He also stated that (in Chinese of
course and I loosely translate) “Once we got big, runitonce.com will come to us
and try to make a deal.” I have screenshots of those tweets if you would like
to see them. I also urge you to not take my words for it, and have someone you
trust who can read Chinese to check out those conversations.

I hope this is helpful to help protect your intellectual
properties. I will also be glad to help if you need more info on the matter (as
I speak and read Chinese). I also hope you understand Tian is not
representative of Chinese poker players who respect your pros, your site,
intellectual rights and most importantly, the game of poker. I is in my opinion
should be posted to all the major poker news outlets and forums including the
one on runitonce.com. Please advise what I should do. I sincerely hope Tian
will be punished for his treachery. 


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midori 10 years, 5 months ago

Thanks a lot for being vigilant and bringing this to our attention, man.  As someone who can read Chinese, I am very disappointed to see these things happening. :(  I hope the mods of this site will take appropriate action.  

Mikey Stotz 10 years, 5 months ago

This site was brought to our attention several weeks ago and we began taking action at that time.  We take copyright infringement VERY seriously and while cases versus non US based entities are naturally difficult to pursue, we do so to the full extent possible.

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