60k hands in 60 days @nl25
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60k hands in 60 days @nl25
I started a new thread for this new challenge.
For many of you 1k hands/day wouldn't be that much but with a full time job and 2 little child i think will be pretty tough.
I started yesterday after midnight but i'm going to count those hands like todays hands.
Let's crush this journey! Go
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Good luck brother. What site, PS? Also zoom or regular?
Good luck mate! Hope you can crush it!
Thanks guys! I'm on Italian Pokerstars, only zoom at the moment but i will add some normal too when for example is late night and no zoom running
At the moment is going super good to be honest, but i'm just running insanly good. I'm hitting everywhere and getting paid, and only 4k hands for now, let's wait when the run will be more standard ahah
Today i'm going to hit 5k hands in 4 days

10k hands in 6 days, for my standard is a lot. In fact i should play less and study some.
Also i fall into the same bad habits as always: i don't take my time to think properly, i don't take breaks as planned and also i don't study some before playing sessions.
On the other side i'm pretty happy about how i can not play super z game while playing 4x zoom that for me was too much just a couple of months ago.
I also promised to my wife that tomorrow i will avoid junk food and start with a serious healthy diet...soooo i'm going to finish all the candies i have here now
See ya
Dude your crushing!! Been following your progress. Keep posting regardless of the results
Big update: i will work the next 8 months to crush nl50 and play poker full time.
Obv the goal is to reach higher stakes than nl50, but that will be the starting point for the first year, aiming to a solid winrate of 10 bb/100 or more.
At the moment i'm working from 8 till 18 (there's break in the middle) for 1.6k euros/month. Next year my wife will search for a job after the double pregnancy so this will give me space to give myself a try.
I've already go pro for 2 years and an half around 2016 with mtts and that's why i'm deciding to do it again. If not i would not risk it cause is easy to enjoy something like an hobby and then maybe hate it when you should do it everyday. But i know how it is, and that was the best time of my life, knowing you are going to wake up and do the thing you love. Obv is one of the most difficult thing too!
I failed in the past due to my lack of discipline, and some bad money management in real life: i was staked so instead to put a lot of volume, save money and build my own bankroll i just relaxed a little here and there, spending all the money and obv findin myself needing a normal job having almost no more real life bankroll.
This time i have a better plan, i know it will be extremely hard but i have nothing to lose. I will always find a job in a factory or whatever, but the opportunity to do what you love is priceless.
First step!
Finish this challenge with a really good winrate and if ready pass to nl50. Atm i'm also workin with a coach, i'm really happy that i find him (i was not searching for it) cause i think he is really prepared and i like the way he think about the game. I think he will help me a lot.
Also another friend of mine that play nl200 and nl500 want to help me a little, so we will study together too.
The plan is to quit my job around december and start with poker in January 2024.
I will start with a poker bankroll of 10k euros, more enough for nl50 and nl100 if i will play it.
While for the real life bankroll i count to start with at least 15k, better if 20k, so i know that for at least 10 months i'm covered.
I also count to make some money from poker the next months.
Then in the first year i want to make at least the same money i do at my current job (20k year), while working a lot on my strategy, my mindset and solid and healthy habits.
After that the minimum would be 3k/month
Worst case scenario 40k hands/month for 6 bb/100 at nl50. 1.2k + rakeback monthly
Best case scenario 50k hands/month for 15 bb/100 at nl50. 3.7k + rakeback monthly
More details while i will go through this. Obv if i will not be able to beat nl25, i will just quit and continue with my job and everything. No pressure :)
Challenge update:

After 9 days, i'm at 12k hands, go!
I wish you much success! Sounds very ambitious and I hope you have calculated it well and do not start from too positive expectations!
Probably yes, i think you are right! But i have 8 months to put everything under the right light!
Thanks mate, good luck you too!
I had a session with my coach on Friday. I don't know if i'm more happy or sad. My strategies has a lot of issues here and there, so i'm happy i can improve a lot and sad cause in my head i was better and now i'm little bit overwhelmed cause for sure at the table i'm overadjusting stuff!
Obv overall i'm really happy, i'm working on my game and despite i'm basically sleeping 3 hours per night i'm not playing that bad and even keeping a good game playing 4x zoom.
So at the moment i'm ad Day 12 and i reached 15k hands. Probably tonight i will play some mtts, still not sure cause everytime i register after 2 hours i regret it so bad.:D
Day 22
Hey, i did an update on the old thread lol
I just deleted it but i forgot to copy it, nevermind.
Opening this blog, i was reading the title and i forget that my goal was to do 60k+ hands at nl25, but lately i started to play other limits too.
I want to stick to the initial goal so im going to play and keep track of NL25
So at the moment we are slightly behing with 20.2k hands
I have to admit that is pretty hard to stay consistent with everything, for example now are 4am, it's my night shift with the baby, i worked all day, we stay with kids till 9pm, then the little one didnt want to sleep till 11, then i slept couple of hours, milk and diper and now i'm at the computer.
From tomorrow i will update daily about my food too, just one sentence maybe to check i will not cheat (today i've cheated a looooooot)
See ya
No improvement on food sector. Yesterday was kebap and ice cream, let's see today but since is friday i think i will go for a croissant for coworker too and little slice of pizza or focaccia from local bakery...i know i'm a bad person!
Pokerwise, i 've played one hour or so lately, around 5 am, but when i saw some tilt signs (my mind say fold and i click call) i quit immediately.
I think is another way to boost up your winrate, if in the past not leaving the table would cost me something like 3/4 stacks before leaving
Have a great day guys, i will enjoy my pizza (and my fat)
Ok, 24 days of the challenge and there's some pattern of my behavior that are coming out.
I started pushing too much, not balancing real life, work, poker, family, still eating bad, no workout, start drinkin coffee and energy drink to help me with stay awake at night...
It's useless to say that this can't last ahahah, in fact last days i was falling asleep here and there and my mood while playing was really bad, i don't want to play at all, i feel i'm exploited everywhere and i really can't focus properly.
Well, i'm here to make mistakes and adjusting the shights.
The plan now is to take couple of days to watch my sessions with the coach, eat well and maybe do some workout, that's all.
See ya!
Day 30
I'm at 29k hands if i count also other stakes i've played.
As i wrote in a post before i'm not happy about what i'm doing, i'm still low energy and i play without a routine, i'm not studing, i just sit and try to put together some hands, giving away stacks here and there.
If this need to put together 60k hands will lead me into bad routine and bad play i think i will quit, but the best thing to do now, is to focus on study and find motivation to stay at the table with a sharper mind.
Still super hard after a long day of hard work, babies and everything to have some good energy to play, so i'm questioning poker again.
In the last 2 years since the first baby arrived, my poker journey was like this: start thinkin to be consistent and then givin up cause was too hard to find energy at night to play.
i mean, i can play everynight, but this game need a lot of focus and i'm also not 20 anymore, at almost 38 stay up at night is pretty hard.
But i don't give up, this means only cause will not be easy. Next days again focus on good food and study only.
So 2 days of this and then on the table again
See ya
I would love to hear a bit about how you study and how much you work with your coach (Did you buy like 10 sessions, have you been with your coach a long time, what impact did coaching have on your game)?
Thanks and good luck!
Hey! I've sent you a private message :)
Hey! long time no posting here!
Useless to say that i did'nt manage to reach the 60k hands goal. I was burned up, really tired for not eating well etc etc.
So atm i'm slowly doing good with food and workout and taking life more easily in general.
After watching an Hubermand video about intermittent fasting i add it to my diet. With the benefits that it brings itself, it also helps me to not eat all day long. Was easy for me to cheat here and there, but now i have a diet and i know that i cannot eat before noon and after 20 pm. So it means i will eat less shit :D
After work i will stop in the garage for a small workout every working day. since is summer i started again with cold showers, so no more hot showers for me till september/october, then if i will continue i will start with warm and then get the cold.
I restart slowly, since i have more energy now, is easier to stay awake at night ( tonight i had the baby change diapers and food at 1 and at 4am, in between i play some poker and update the blog) and play some hands. Volume is not crazy cause i'm focusing more on playing thinking well on what i'm doing and playing normal tables that has higher winrate.
I'm playing mostly nl10 at the moment cause i had to cashout and i don't want to deposit at the moment.
So i'm going to keep this thread even the challenge is gone and lost ahahha, i will find something else in the future!
See ya!
Hope you get healthy again!
Intermittent fasting is great. It is good to implement some solid regiments regarding mental work, diet and movement I would recommend Can't Hurt Me - Goggins if you are looking for some inspiration.
Take it slow so you dont get over-worked again and good luck :)
Thanks a lot for the tips, i've read goggin's book during the lockdown but i think i will read it again, is too motivating!
See ya!
Nice blog and nice results!
What are your experiences with I-Fasting so far ?
I quite like the concept and can see the benefits and I'm trying to do it myself now too but I'ts though to do for me, so I just only eat fruit during the day and nothing big untill at the end of the day
What do you do hours wise like you have one meal at like 7pm or something and the rest of the day nothing or do you put the meal more towards the middle of the day ?
Hey mate! Since im not a breakfast guy i just skip it as usual and instead of eating stuff during the morning i start eating at noo. And i close the eating window at 8/9 pm i just have normal lunch and dinner with some fruit or nuts in the afternoon.
Is just having a shorter earing window, but you can also have one meal a day. Just see what works better for you.
I can really suggest the video of Andrew Huberman on intermittent fasting.
Good luck!
Makes sense thx ill check Huberman out heard good stuff about him!
Hey guys!
Finally i'm slowly going toward the right direction. I'm feeling way better and i have more energy. If i compare myself with the past me that was smoking cigarettes and eating like a pig there's no comparison: now i can having a full day routine and i'm still here at 22.30, playing and doing stuff.
Some time ago i would just die on the couch around 20.30.
The routine these days is pretty brutal:
work from 8 till noon, then lunch break, return at home, have lunch and help with babies and kitchen, work from 1.30 till 5.30, then family time, cooking, washing babies, dinner, babies, dipers etc etc and getting ready for the night shift, usually the new one wake up every 3/4 hours and me and my wife do one round each (for example tonight i will do the next one around 23/midnight and she will do the other one.
Don't get me wrong we decided to have this kind of life, but i admit is hard to not have a full streak of 9/10 hours to enjoy sleep or one day of relax to enjoy yourself. I guess i have to wait 4 or 5 years ahahahh
Pokerwise is going good, i'm running hot, so still i don't know if i'm playing good or just cards playing themselfs, but i feel i kinda switch mindset: i'm more relaxed, i take my time to think about ranges etc, i don't have the usual rush to win a lot of hands and i enjoy to play normal tables (usually i find them boring).
See ya
Glad you have sorted out your routines and you are well deserved of some run good to ease the transition into the new life. :)
Hey guys, at work today i had an idea for new blog so i will close this one and start a new challenge in the other one.
Since the start of this one i've played around 40k hands, way less than 60k or more expected but i'm not disappointed of the results
See you in the other blog!!! Go!
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