$25/50 Shot Take

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$25/50 Shot Take

Hero ($4300) raises to $100 on BTN with KhTs, and SB 3bets to $350, BB folds. I call.
Flop QhQs4c (Pot $750), SB bets 180$, and this felt weak so i raised him to $360 to see where hes at. He called.
Turn Tc (Pot $1410) he checks. I felt he might have bigger pair then me and cant put him on the Q. I bet $360 to continue to represent a strong hand. He raised to $880. I dont think he will raise me here with an overpair so I thought maybe he had a smaller pair like 88/99 trying to bet me off it. I call.
River Ad (Pot $3200). He checks. I go all in for about 2700$ trying to get value from 88/99 that i put him on. Also theres a chance he hit the ace and might fold it now because the straight got there. He snap called though and showed QQ. What a lucky guy to flop quads, i never flop quads. They guy is such a luck box. Think my play is good though because 88/99 is 12 combos and QQ is only 1 combo so if he calls with 88/99 then its still winning. And if he does fold the ace like i thought, then its good result too.


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Feynman 8 years, 4 months ago

Good to see that fishy minraises happen even at these stakes lol

Feynman 8 years, 4 months ago

I just don't know where to start with this HH — I'm pretty sure it's a troll. You haven't really asked a question.

You min raise him to "see where he's at". What are you wanting him to do here? Call? Fold? What are you repping?

BigFiszh 8 years, 4 months ago

I just don't know where to start with this HH — I'm pretty sure it's a troll.

That's why I asked where this hand had happened.

@OP, if you won't deliver a hand history I will move this thread to the chatter forum.

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