$25/50 Shot Take
Posted by FIVEbetbLUFF
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$25/50 Shot Take
Hero ($4300) raises to $100 on BTN with KhTs, and SB 3bets to $350, BB folds. I call.
Flop QhQs4c (Pot $750), SB bets 180$, and this felt weak so i raised him to $360 to see where hes at. He called.
Turn Tc (Pot $1410) he checks. I felt he might have bigger pair then me and cant put him on the Q. I bet $360 to continue to represent a strong hand. He raised to $880. I dont think he will raise me here with an overpair so I thought maybe he had a smaller pair like 88/99 trying to bet me off it. I call.
River Ad (Pot $3200). He checks. I go all in for about 2700$ trying to get value from 88/99 that i put him on. Also theres a chance he hit the ace and might fold it now because the straight got there. He snap called though and showed QQ. What a lucky guy to flop quads, i never flop quads. They guy is such a luck box. Think my play is good though because 88/99 is 12 combos and QQ is only 1 combo so if he calls with 88/99 then its still winning. And if he does fold the ace like i thought, then its good result too.
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Well played just unlucky
Where did this hand happen?
Good to see that fishy minraises happen even at these stakes lol
seen BIll Perkinks busting out the min raise every where yesterday at 50/100 6max xD
what you mean feynman ? are you calling me a fish?
I just don't know where to start with this HH — I'm pretty sure it's a troll. You haven't really asked a question.
You min raise him to "see where he's at". What are you wanting him to do here? Call? Fold? What are you repping?
That's why I asked where this hand had happened.
@OP, if you won't deliver a hand history I will move this thread to the chatter forum.
is that a threat
Holy Balls this hh is a nightmare
* MOD: 2016-10-24 8:14 CET *
Moved to Chatter for obvious non-serious content.
bang bang
The guy is a known troll
or maybe he likes big Steaks,
maybe ^^
what u mean? that was hand i played few months ago
So how did the shot go ?? xD
Go figure

i busted obviously ....
u see i just lost stack
wpn I think you said was the last hand?
thanks sir great Information i was looking
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