Poker Journal

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Poker Journal

Hi, my name is Ryan. Am a South West Florida pro

I currently split my volume between 200NL on Bovada and 2-5 Live cash, about 50/50 split atm

Used to regular these forums a few years back, and definitely owe much of my development to the regulars here, so hopefully can get into good discussions again - I started a private discord a little over a year ago and that's where I have spent a lot of my study/poker social life over the last year

Not entirely sure what I will share, but figure this is the first step, so will share when feel inspired to do so (and have a place to share outside of discord)

Goals for this coming year are pretty simple

Want to hit around 20-30 hours played each week, 4-5 days, at around 4-6 hour splits (On a 10-month scale - allows for time off, appointments, life stuff, etc)

I like to split my online sessions into two 2-hour blocks with a total of 4 hours played on a given day, occasionally extending that to 5 hours if I am either enjoying myself, or the games are especially good - don't care to much about extending sessions just to play with a weak player, but will allow exceptions here and there - generally I hold the attitude that earnings come from consistently showing up more than anything else, and keeping a solid schedule/routine has done wonders for my mental game and ability to put in more volume - find that leaving a bit in the tank, rather than pushing myself to the limit all the time allows me to actually want to play, rather than burning out(which was a huge problem for me most of my poker career)

Being more routine based and having predetermined limits on my sessions also gives me a sense of control, which is something I can feel good about whether I have a winning or losing day. I can always tell myself "I accomplished my hours for the day etc"

For Live cash, currently doing two days of 5-6 hours. Think keeping it at around 6 hour max on a given day is good for me generally. I might tweak this a bit in future, but it is what it is for now

To improve as a player and be able to move up stakes Live and Online
Have a set study time every Tuesday at 9am with a friend who plays similar stakes (happy to expand this if the right person comes along)

spend about 1-2 hours 4-5 days of the week reviewing hands played, replying to hands in discord etc

recently becoming more habituated to drill in GTOwiz every morning

Effective study is probably an area I can stand to improve in. Organization is a skill I am working on and think it's highly valuable

Want to start doing more database filters as well now that I am getting a bigger sample, and have a few guys to share databases with

goals outside of poker

basically eating clean, unprocessed foods. Limiting sodium/sugar intake. Making point to at the bare minimum walk 30-60 minutes every day, and often going for a run, practicing yoga in a local park, or weight lifting at a nearby gym

I help operate a local coffee shop, so part of my time is dedicated to that - creates a nice balance and is an extra income source which is actually quite nice

Performance Results for 2022
50NL bb/100 = 13.16
100NL bb/100 = 9.4
200NL bb/100 = 10.34

500NL 14bb/hr buying in for 100bb (our room allows up to 300bb buy in, but I currently buy at 100bb, but want to increase this in the coming months)

I think future posts will involve a mix of hand histories, random thoughts reflections, and what else remains to be seen

Okay, think this is a good start

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