2015 : From mediocre Midstake Reg to Highstake crusher 250k +

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2015 : From mediocre Midstake Reg to Highstake crusher 250k +

Hello everyone!

2014 has been a very rough year for me mentally and on the tables. I'll start this thread off with a short bio of my poker career. Started playing NLHE six years ago, around april 2009. I started off by playing nl50 Fullring and got coached by very successful feel player and started 6 max and HU. I was climbing the step very fast and by 2010 I was playing 2-4 and 3-6. I've made decent money since then, but never been really able to move up to the higher stakes. Always had tilt problems and bad mental game. I would quit early if I was up huge (10 BI) but I would play till my fingers bleed when i was down. Had a couple of -20 BI days wich are really really bad to have obv.

2014 have been rough as a started realising I was really really behind with the curve, and always was more of a feel player. Never really studied outside playing excepting reviewing some hands and analysing opp. stats, but no maths and such. I felt like my game was falling appart and that I couldn't beat the game anymore. So 2015 is gonna be the year I re-learn poker by studying the maths behind the play and hopefully improve my game. I feel a lot better knowing there's a pool of information and new stuff I will learn. That definitely feel refreshing for me as poker as become more boring over the years obv.

I always love playing a very loose and aggro style that use to tilt reg and made them make very bad play. My style was very exploitable obv, but I knew how villain would try to counter my exploit so I could ''own'' them. Nowadays however regs are way more balanced and sound so that's not working as much as it used to and people counter me more efficently (hence I'm getting explo more than I explo). I also love playing deep stack poker I feel this is my strenght as it's less easy to get a ''perfect strat'' at 250 bb deep let's say.

So yeah, basically in 2015 I want to improve drastically my math game and learn a lot of stuff about gto strat. My goals are to be able to beat zoom500 by the end of april and start taking shot a nl1k. Also want to spend a lot of time in those forums (which are really great btw!) and help others and post hands and strat etc.

So here's a list of goals I want to accomplish during the year :

-Play 1 millions hands
-Write an essay on GTO play
-Put at least 50 hours in CRev and GTO software
-Have a winrate of 4bb +
-Have a skype discussion group with good players
-Move up to nl1k
-OWN life

  • Weekly goals januare 5 -11

-Play min 10 000 hands
-Play 50% of A game in sessions
-Mark at least 13 hands
-Put my first hour in CRev
-Participate at least 3 hours in the forum RIO
-Watch 2 videos and write about it

Thanks guy hope y'all have a crushing 2015 year. Beast mode!


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Gramsci 10 years, 2 months ago

Thanks someraw,

So today January 5th 2015 Ill be starting my first session. I want to create a routine before starting to play and hopefully create the best environnement for me to perform. So heres a quick list of goals I want to accomplish before and after this session and every other one ;

  1. Come on RIO and write about todays goal and mental state in my Journal.
  2. Watch a video on RIO
  3. Drink a cup of thea
  4. Play ball!

After session
1. Review at least 4 hands
2. Try to improve on GTO concept by using a hand as an exemple and doing some maths behing it.
3. Use CRev to analyse a spot

See yall!

Gramsci 10 years, 2 months ago

Hey guys :)

So finished my first session of the year and feel pretty happy and confident about my game and new approach. I had a moment where i lost 2 all in PF in a row KKvsAK and 10-10 vsJJ bvsb at nl400 and felt a lil bit tilted so I took a break. After that, I think I played good except at the hand I wasnt feeling 100% focus so I decided to quit for the day.

I have mark 20+ hands lol I ll post them in the Midstake section of RIO forums and put the link out here.

Gramsci 10 years, 2 months ago

Hey guys, january 6,

Second session today, feeling great and confident going into this session. I want to take my time today and not rush things so im gonna play max 8 tables this session. Hope to get a lot of spot so hopefully we can review some hands and get better :).

Same goals as yesterday, except today Im gonna use Flopzilla/

Thanks and gl to all.

Gramsci 10 years, 2 months ago

Hey guys, forgot to update after yesterdays sesh. I played pretty bad and was disapointed in my overall approach at the tables. I did a very spewy bluff at nl400 then started to tilt and played 12 tables when I wanted max 8 and ended up making very bad decision. But got lucky and managed to finish up like 70 $ so very lucky.

Today I want to be very focus and sharp and avoid making those stupid spew and bad decision. I will play MAX 8 tables at a time and even less if I think I lose focus. After the session and I want to spend time looking at my DB to plug some leaks in 3bet spots.

Alright enough rambling lets play some cards!

GL all thanks!

Gramsci 10 years, 2 months ago

Alright! Great session, felt Ive played the best poker since a while. Been focused, I played very well even after had so gross runout and lost big pots.

So very happy with the results feels like Im improving a lot day by day. See you tomorrow!

Gramsci 10 years, 2 months ago

Sup yall jan 8th about to start a new sessions.

Watched Sauce video last night playing two znl2k it was very entertaining :). Im a bit tired today so if I dont have enough focus Ill just quit and be back tommorow. Hopefully I can play a few interesting hands and come post after.

GL all!

Gramsci 10 years, 2 months ago

Thanks Tim!

Hey guys, jan 12th here. Didnt update after last session, it was a DISASTER! As I said I was a bit tired, and started the session losing 3 flips in a row at nl400 and nl200 deep, then went and play good players HU and played very badly. End up losing 3.8k wich put me down for the month 2k. Not that this is really relevant, but I felt really ashamed and bad about myself. Its like I know I shouldnt do something but I do it anyway, and afterwards I just feel like shit.

Anyways spent the last 3 days playing hockey outside, having some time with girlfriend and not thinking about poker too much. Today Im back! I feel very relaxed and dont hold anything from last session so thats a good start. But I know that if I get unlucky in the beggining of my sesh I might go on tilt. So Im putting a stop loss at 1.2k.

After that I want to review a shit load of hands, so be prepared as I m prolly gonna flood the forums with Hands :)

GL guys see ya!

Gramsci 10 years, 2 months ago

Hey guys,

Just finished up my session. Did not play great, did not play bad; OK session I guess. Had some interesting spots wich I will post after writing this. Booking a win is good for my mental game, so I ended playing 1.6 k hands and up decent amount.

Also want to watch a video on flopzilla, anyone have good one to recommend?

Thanks guys, later!

Gramsci 10 years, 2 months ago


Jan 13th already. Feel like Im not putting a lot of volume, but I feel like Im improving a lot. So thats a good thing :).

Gonna do a small session then review some hands and after hockey!

GL yall!

Gramsci 10 years, 1 month ago

Hey guys, yesterday was great! Played a short session but I was up quite a good amount and decided to book it. Might be one of my biggest mental leak, it feels like when im up much I try to protect my winnings and I dont play as Optimise as I should. Anyway, good day, made very few mistakes so Im glad with my play. I really wish I could improve on the winning leak mental part; anyone got some suggestion to that?

Jan 14th,

Woke up very early and had little sleep cause my girlfriend was working very early this morning. Anyway decided to do a small session, played very good! Lost 2 times set over set for over 250bb wich suck but managed to book a small win, so glad with my day.

I want to look at some lefort video and work on some ranges I feel I got some leaks in.

So good luck to all see you!

Gramsci 10 years, 1 month ago

Thank you Front!

So Jan 20th, didnt update for a while, I went fishing on ice with me girlfriend and we had lots of fun. Yesterday a made a bunch of analysis with Flopzilla and equilab, very cool soft. Defenitly feel a lot iimproved since the start of the year. Obv have a bunch to improve so shall I play!

GL all see you!

Gramsci 10 years, 1 month ago

Booom! Great session! Made a couple mistake but thats normal obv, pretty happy with how I played overall. Good day :)

Im gonna post a couple of hands and play with flopzilla and Eqlab/

Gramsci 10 years, 1 month ago

Hey guys, ready for another session jan 21th!

Feeling a lil tired today, so Im gonna have a very low tilt breaking point (-1000). I hope I can manage to play a nice little session and have some spots to post afterwards.

GL guys see you!

Gramsci 10 years, 1 month ago

Sup Broskis!

Again a very good session. Played my A game ran well, everything went my way. Hope we can continue on this path and improve everyday.

My only concern is that Im putting very little volume, but Im playing everyday. I use to play 12 + tables now I play max 8, and play very litlle session. Hope I can Improve on that stamina to be able to put a litlle more volume (at least 50k hands a month)

So had a couple spot today gonna post it and see yall tomorrow!


Gramsci 10 years, 1 month ago

Hey guys!

Jan 22th, had a great session yesterday, feeling great today! Did a couple simulations of common spot of C-betting and ranges. Find some interesting stuff... seems like theres a world of complexity behind holdem wich is very refreshing for me!

Anyway, I want to put some decent volume, I am feeling great, so hopefully I can have a very nice sesh!

Thanks and GL all!

gargamel_fk 10 years, 1 month ago

When it goes to playing longer sessions it is something I started to work myself lately too. There is not much info except 2 videos of Jared Tendler on drag the bar (going for SN and SNE or something like that) But basically the idea is that it is like going to the gym and building a muscle so the goal is to slowly increase it here and there 10-15% or you will get burnout.

Gramsci 10 years, 1 month ago

Yeah, last year played very long sesh and played lots of volume, but man I was playing no where near the level I feel I play this year... So its kinda hard to put volume and play good for me...

Also I have a very bad tendencie to quit when Im up good amounts and grind endlessly when Im down (I know many grinders that have those probs too hehe)

Anyway I want to find I way in Feb to put more volume and play good also. I feel ok for Jan as I knew I was gonna spend a good amount of hours studying.

Let me know if you have a magical trick lol!

Thx see ya GL!

Gramsci 10 years, 1 month ago


End of session, well.... another great session! Feeling very nice and confident about my game, but feel very exhausted even if I played less then 2k hands lol. Im taking lots of time for my decisions since Ive been doing a lot of new stuff recently.. hopefully it will get to me and I can act quicker and get less exhausted!

Anyway, Ive post a couple of hands in the forum, hope you guys can comment on them. Probbly gonna watch a couple videos tonight, as well as working on my limp 100% sb strat.

Thanks guys!

gargamel_fk 10 years, 1 month ago

Well my strategy lately is to have a plan for how many hours I want to work per week. So the idea is to grind the most during weekends when the games are the best. Sometimes it doesn't work well e.g. girlfriend visiting but thats ok. So thanks to that my plan is to execute the strategy of playing more and avoiding quitting when up (have no problems quitting when down).

Still check way to often my results but the strategy seems to be an improvement because I trick my mind that the goal is to grind X hours and not win X amount of money and allow me to play the most during weekends when the games are the best. So the goal is to work 40h/week (playing+working on my game) and thats it.

Gramsci 10 years, 1 month ago

Yeah I use to have I schedule, but didnt work that well for me I think... Im trying to be honest with myself and play only when I feel optimal... only the time I feel optimal arent that many times lol... Plus like I said I have a lot of trouble playing when Im up lots...

Anyways, lets concentrate on short term goals, as of today 26th!

Had a great weekend, we won at hockey, and it was my GF birthday, did get a little wasted lol.

So today I wanna start by playing a solid session implementing my new SB strat and try to review some spots after my session as I will prob do some mistake.

Alrighty! GL and thanks all!

gargamel_fk 10 years, 1 month ago

Well do agree that having a schedule isn't a good idea but still you want to have some way to evaluate when you progress or not. Besides at some point you will start losing so it would be better to learn how to play longer now when it is easy and get better at quitting when everything goes wrong and not the other way around ;)

BTW if you don't mind I wanted to ask you about one hand. Thought that it might be wise to ask someone who is better than me for opinion.


We have a 4-way pot with 3 regs and a fish. What would be your plan for the hand?
My plan was bet /bet x/f but here the raise on the Turn from Reg seems sooo FPS (he is like 23/18 with big AFQ 41, and W$WSF of 47 so he is aggressive).

I end up folding because I haven't seen any hands in his calling range on the flop that would go like that on Turn (unless he decided to go fancy with 66,56s etc.) but at the same time what he goes so big for value with??

Really strange hand and keeps me in a WTF mood.

Gramsci 10 years, 1 month ago

Hey gargamel! Thanks for the great feedback. Im trying to improve on this aspect, but I found myself very polarised... as much as last year I was a grindcore that was putting lots of volume with low quality, this year I put very high quality but no volume... gotta find a way in the middle :) Im sure I will find a way.

For yur hand, I would go for a flop c-bet because we have lots of value vs fishs I think other regs will play str8forward in that spot. When the CO reg call the flop I assume he is almost never raising a straight (67) and might call a set (he should sometimes) as fish in sb has only 30bbs. On the turn I think we can value bet again (altought its kinda close) as his range will be (all sets (not every combo of them but he still should have some. 67 straight, and all OP, plus pairs and OESD if he is loose PRE) so vs this range we still have a value bet, I like your sizing.

When he raise he will have a lot of value I think... most nl100 wont bluff that spot as they will call with hands that could be turned to bluff or just try to showdown. So I think his range is very value heavy hence nice fold with the QQ.imo

See you!

Gramsci 10 years, 1 month ago

Sup guys!

Jan 28th, didnt make an after session review last time because had to leave in a rush. So basically broke even for the day, played good the first half, then start loosing vs fish and bad reg and that got me tilted so decided to quit... I feel when I loose vs bad opp I tilt more because I feel like their money is owned to money (which is obv bad thinking)

Anyways, took off yesterday to go watch a hockey HABS game with GF and friends, had lots of fun. Back on the grind, I hope to put good volume with very good quality today.

Will post some hands after sessions, GL all and see you!

Gramsci 10 years, 1 month ago

Hey guys!

Jan 29th, yesterday was very poor result wise, but I think I did play good despite having to face ridiculous set ups. Lost like 1k vs a 90-30 in 30 min and that was a bit tilting but took a break and continued. Played good volume also, but that is just me playing when down.

So today lets try to make lots of monies and play a good volume session also. I will do a big review of the month on sunday and choose one hand to analyse extensively in CRev. Might do a video.

Let me know if anyone have interest in that.

GL guys see you!

Gramsci 10 years, 1 month ago


Jan 30th, yesterday was awful again result wise. Played a lot and maybe played my B game as I never was able to gain some momenthum in the session. Made a big bluff at nl400 deep that got me down a lot :P. So anyways, today ill be playing with a stop loss of 1k, then Ill do a full review of the month and hopefully come up with some interesting hands, strats topic that we can discull.

Thanks all, and good luck today!

Gramsci 10 years, 1 month ago

Hey guys!

Finished my session today pretty happy overall. Ended break even for the day after losing a huge pot vs a fucking retarded reg that plays me HU deep. I dont have HH here but ill post later, but I open BTN with QQ (250 deep) he 3bets, I 4bet he calls, flop 552r, x I bet 50% pot, he calls, turn 7 that brings FD, he x I bet 50% he jammed I snap, he show me 65off, lol...

Anyways, after that hand I felt a lot of anger in me so I choose to wisely close all of my table and end the day.

So Im going to a spa hotel with my GF this weekend, then after on monday Ill do a full review on the month. Ill try to use some DB analysis tools so I can have a overall view of where I might be leaking, some spots where I need improvement. Overall I feel pretty happy with my month because I feel a lot more confident and better in my game despite the awful last 2 days. I broke even for the month.. (Up 200$ lol) but did some RB so thats not that bad, but I didnt put lot of volume. Hopefully we will catch some heat next month and start the MACHINE! lol

Alright thanks guys! Good luck and see yall!

Gramsci 10 years, 1 month ago

Whatsss up all!

Had a very relaxing week end with gf! Very refreshing and I feel like my mind is ready to learn new stuff :D

So feb 3rd, starting a new month today! I just want to put more volume and continue my studying. Looking to start a small study group, because its always better to have other look at how you play and study so you can get better feed back.

Anyway gonna jump in the action today because i feel great.

See you later!

Gramsci 10 years, 1 month ago

Sup guys, good session overall managed to profit a nice chunk for the first day. Had KK vs AA in 5 bet pot in the first minutes of the session, was a bit angry, but didnt go too tilty. But defenitly felt some kind of anger growing in me; something I need to work on to be totally emotionless when those kinds of situation arrose. Pretty difficult, but I can obv improve a lot here and control my emotions more.

Anyways going to Niagara falls on thursday for the Niagara fallsview classic WPT. Hopefully Ill catch some huge heat and bring home the goldsssssssss.

Gramsci 10 years ago

hey guys!! Long time no see, been in Niagara Falls playing the classic and WPT there. It was crazy to see poker is still so much profitable when you play those kind of tournys. Unfortunately for me, have been very unlucky and bricked all 3 events :(. Oh well there will be another one :D.

So today feb. 16th, restarting the grind, will try to put lots of hours till the end of feb, so objective is 50k hands for the month.

Gl guys see yal

Gramsci 10 years ago

Hey supp yall RIO members!

Yesterday was just a total disaster. Ran KK vs AA 3 times, 2x deep at NL200 and 1 time at NL500 wich is big for me... Anyway enough whining, I didnt play great neither as I was irritated to get that kind of distributions. I think I didnt make to many mistake except one major spew at NL500...

So yeah this bring me now down for the year (-2k) wich is really hurting my mental and confidence. I need to play some poker in order to keep my status for RB but at the same time I want to study lots.

Anyway, I will do a small review of yesterday and then play a 5 hour sesh, I will run very good!

GL see ya!

Gramsci 10 years ago

Hello all,

Well feb17th went bad as well :(. Started good and playing really well then got some very bad beats and my game just went from a A to a D-. So yeah def have mental leak that I need to patch asap as its costing me heaps of money and I need to play lots of volume.

I get very angry when a weak reg just god mode the f out of me and I get out of my gameplan to overbluff in order to compensate for the badbeats... wich is obv really bad.

Anyway, didnt play yesterday as it was my bday, so I feel fresh and renewed today. I will not play nl500 as I dont want to increase my variance.

GL see ya!

Gramsci 10 years ago

Boooooooooom! finally catch some heat, got back every thing I lost plus a bit more :).
Played well and ran well finally!

Ok guys so heres graph for the year : (pretty much BE donk :() but since I started playing poker I always had a losing blue line and a very positive redline. What should I do to get a better blue line? I tought that this year my blue line would be less down, but its still the same... I changed my style a lot but still I got the same red and blue line? Where should I look ?

Raraulbl 10 years ago

What site and stakes do you play?
I feel like the lines are usually the opposite for most players. My guess would be that you are bluffing or bluff catching too often or probably both.

ShipItHolla 10 years ago

Those lines are near meaningless imo. They represent your philosophy or playing style and unless you plan on going back to square one you will probably always have a high red line and a low/er blue line.
Just keep posting hands and working on your game and hopefully the green line gets better.

Gramsci 10 years ago

Hey guys, feb 20th

Yesterday was very good day finally! Give me hope and some boost for confidence. Im gonna attack the tables today and try to duplicate what happened yesterday!

GL all!

Gramsci 10 years ago

Hey guys!

feb25th, didnt update last few days because I was too lazy ;P. I had one crazy bad sessions where I lost 5k then won a bit back. I was so tilted. Had like 3 KK vs AA, one AK vs AA, top full vs quads 250bb deep, etc played bad...

Oh well last sessions were better, did play a lot better, but I still feel that anger when I loose a pot I felt I didnt deserve to loose if know what I mean. I have a lot to improve on my mental as its not as solid as I would like to be :(.

Anyways, hopefully I can maintain my status this month and march I can play less and study more do more stuff outside the tables. Here is a graph... still cant win at SD :(

ShipItHolla 10 years ago

Changing gears might help you who knows. Do you try to fold ppl off trips and tp type stuff regularly? You are playing deep a lot so even if you were doesn't seem so bad. Just keep posting hands and hopefully you can spot some errors that you keep making.

Gramsci 10 years ago

Yeah Im a spewtard but its kinda inked in me lol. Really hard to play ABC and not bluffing as I always want to win the pot syndrom

gargamel_fk 10 years ago

Yeah I don't know how it works for you but from my small stakes experience the goal should be to bluff enough so Villain couldn't fold exploitable rather than trying to fold Villain of XYZ part of his range. You just make ton of moves and I think that if for a while you stopped bluffing so much with the image you have you would be printing money.
I think you overestimate how much Villains are bluffing and how wide they value bet/value raise.

Honestly do an experiment and for a week don't bluff unless it is a super obvious standard spot (e.g. bluff cbet etc.). I think that pretty much every reg at your stakes thinks that you are crazy and will pay you off anyway.

Gramsci 10 years ago

Hey guys! Long time no see.
Sorry for the lack of updates Ive finished my points then took a lil break and didnt think about poker.

So March started well so far, been playing well and not under pressure (wich is very good for me) I want to do leak finder on my first 80k hands. What should I be looking for? What kind of filter should I put? What do you guys do to review your play?

Alrighty! thanks guys see ya and GL!

gargamel_fk 10 years ago

I think I would go and watch vids from Alan Jackson on bluefire about analyzing your database. If you are to lazy for this you can find his thred on 2+2 about pokermetrics and he will do it for you but he increased the price a lot and now it is like 1k $. Might be worth checking (although in your case it might be difficult because you have a really unorthodox style of play)

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