2 months since the last PG essential vid?
Posted by Yaphet-Kotto
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Run It Once Training
2 months since the last PG essential vid?
I and several other posters have asked about this in the video request thread, beginning two weeks ago, and received no response. when can we expect his videos for may and june?
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There's a video from Phil coming up tomorrow.
i see that, but i have no way of knowing if it is essential or elite. even if said video does turn out to be essential, it still doesnt answer the question of why there was no essential vid for may
I can't answer the actual question for you, but I can give you my own personal opinion. I'd rather Phil NOT put up a video than having him put up a mediocre video simply because he 'has to'. Quality over Quantity. I'm assuming he's been busy playing the WSOP and being awesome.
Your logic as stated is completely flawed. You'd rather see nothing over a marginal something?
If you meant to say that you'd rather wait for a excellent video than have him be punctual with a mediocre one, then fair enough. I can agree with that.
Phil's May essential video will post on Thursday. We apologize for the delay.
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