100$ challenge.
Posted by Fyrsten
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Gen. Poker
100$ challenge.
Tomorrow I'm starting a 2 week challenge trying to beat MICRO PLO. (5PLO,10PLO)
Similar to Jonna's Experiement in September: http://www.runitonce.com/plo/experiment-starting-with-100/
I will play 2-3k hands/day - and aiming for a win rate of 18bb+/100.
All the hands will be played on the ZOOM tables.
I'll start 2table 5PLO until BR is 130$~ and then 4table. when BR is 180$~ 2table 10PLO until 300$+ and then 4table. IF I hit 50$ I'll move down to 2PLO 4table.
Anyone done something similar or just regularly playing these stakes? Maybe some good tips!
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GL :))
Best of luck to ya!
18bbs/100 sounds tough given the rake. Good luck!
As for advice, VALUE BET YOUR HANDS!!! In micro games, it is completely unacceptable to leave money on the table through not going for sufficient value.
you can have a higher winrate and less variance by playing regular tables. + more aggressive bankroll managment.
anyway, good luck !
What'd you prefer as more agg BRM?
And 2-3k hands/day on reg tables will take too much time I think.
8 reg tables - 400h/h. 5 h/d - 2k hands
20-25BI for PLO5-10 is fine, but for zoom you need more 'cos there are a lot of nits.
Good luck! Håber det kommer til at lykkes for dig! ;)
Tak :D
How's it going?
Not too bad. Playing 10ZPLO atm and BR is 250~. I've had a few days where I only played 500~ hands, so my hands per day goal is already long gone. :-)
Okay, so I just spent most of today 4-tabling 10PLO Zoom to gather data for a future video and I can tell you the two crucial things I did which worked pretty much all day:
1) C-bet. A lot. The amount I made just firing a single barrel at most every small pot was crazy.
2) Don't try to trap without a read - too often you'll find people simply checking behind and you'll have missed value (I ended up with some pretty embarrassing hands at showdown where I looked like a passive moron).
I don't think 18bb/100 is a reasonable goal given the rake.
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