“I'm almost certain this is the best poker course ever released for the majority of consumers. Obviously Pads has played at the very highest stakes, but most importantly he really cares about giving value and coming up with strategies that work in practice, not just on paper.“
George_ymb on PADS
“I purchased Pads course on the day it was released and have immersed myself in it over the last 6 weeks. I can confirm it is an insanely good and intense course. The content and detail on post flop is off the scale with 60 plus videos. Pads gives you all the GTO solutions along with the exploits which he has learnt. The live and guest section of the course is golden with reviews of deep runs, FT and ICM etc.“
Harvey N. on PADS
“Theologis really breaks down this format to the finest detail. If you take the time to understand, learn, and memorize all the slight variations, you’ll be ready to compete with the best and easily crush the average competition in these events.“
Ivan Potocki on Knockout Tournament Mastery
“Alex is recognized by being one of the best coaches in tournaments and is widely seen as one of the best PSKO players. He's known to coach other high-stakes crushers and I'm sure you'll love his content.“
Patrick Leonard on Knockout Tournament Mastery