5 points
Hi guys hi everyone
I play poker live and I think I'm way way behind in mantle game
I go on tilt fast and I lose all my wining all time
I don't have any kind of self discipline
Can someone please help how I start on my season and how I prepare for worst thing on mantle game
Im reading GĂ©rard tandler books both 1.2
I learned something but still not discipline
Please help me
April 17, 2018 | 12:57 a.m.
Hi everyone
I just join this training site because I want to improve my game
I only play live so I have no idea how online worl works
I hear ppl talking about ranges and opning ranges calling ranges and things like that I get bit lost so I decided to to learn game proper way
I'm playing live for 1 year I do well sometimes but I spoil it most time I guess I don't have discipline and I'm trying to work on it ,,,,,.....
I understand pot odds I understand outs and equity I learned that my self I understand and know how many outs I have in every scenario and every hand
Can you guys help where I start ......? Please advice me
Thank so much
Yes I play full ring and mainly 1/2
April 18, 2018 | 2:51 a.m.