Zoom50 AAA* vs weird action going
Posted by EdgeKing
Posted by EdgeKing posted in Low Stakes
Zoom50 AAA* vs weird action going
BN: $40.13
SB: $64.40
BB: $50.58
UTG: $48.50
HJ: $73.43
CO: $53.42 (Hero)
SB: $64.40
BB: $50.58
UTG: $48.50
HJ: $73.43
CO: $53.42 (Hero)
(6 Players)
Hero was dealt
UTG folds, HJ folds, Hero raises to $1.24, BN calls $1.24, SB raises to $5.46, BB calls $4.96
UTG folds, HJ folds, Hero raises to $1.24, BN calls $1.24, SB raises to $5.46, BB calls $4.96
some infos upfront:
BU is semibad reg, 38/23 flats 29% OTB overall, so prop about 40-45% here minus 9% he is 3betting vs CO.
SB is a 3bet- and squeeze happy semireg, plays 28/20 w/overall 3bet of 15,5%, squeeze SB 11% (37 spots). Fold to 4bet 0/14.
BB is 18/13, plays sometimes mega weird and does some thing that are certainly not profitable.
How do we proceed here? Calling seems like the last attractive option, shoving doesn't make me happy either, nor does folding. Potting would make us put about 23$ into the pot, just for you guys to have to do less math.
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