Tips for boosting through the micros a good friend?

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Tips for boosting through the micros a good friend?

Hello I have decided to help my friend who is very skilled person to be successful at poker (mastering video and all strategy games he has played - and that is a lot) also in 20k hands PLO -played some months ago- I have already coached him and  the signs / results / stats are more than satisfying.

I have decided to boost him so he doesn't give up so our goal is to climb ASAP!!! with my bankroll at his disposal for absorbing the variance.

My current plan is like this but ANY ideas and suggestions are welcome.

He ll be starting at

20 BI's PLO2 ----- win 10 BI's ---- PLO5 ---- win 15 BI's ----- PLO10----- win 20 BI's PLO25 ---- HERE boosting and aggro management stops and we reconsider hopefully when we get there! --- dropping to previous stake when losing half of the won amount (eg lose 10$ go back PLO5----PLO2)

I ll be absorbing his EV swings ( he ll be winning losing only his EV + RB)

Of course I ll get him read the forum here analyze etc...

I hope the explanation of my plan is easy enough to read and not tiring!

How does this look to u - can we go more aggressive? What else would be contributing to our goal?

Hope for some creative ideas and input! Thank you for your time .

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