set as sqer on str8-board, whats ur standard?

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Posted by posted in Mid Stakes

set as sqer on str8-board, whats ur standard?

btn is a solid reg, never folds to squeezes IP tho and opens btns about 50%

sb is a weaker reg, plays ok post flop but str8 forward and passive oop, flats about 45% pre here, 3bets about 5-7% sb vs btn

spr is 3.6  & 5.4

there are obv hands we wanna protect/charge vs, but theyll have a str8 a combined 23% of the time and they (at least btn) will probably play pretty well vs our actual hand since i have a lot of AA and some KT in my range. cc is def an option but giving free cards isnt great here, and I dont expect a lot of implied if i hit a boat.

w/ these stack sizes a bet may be best as we can easily gii vs btn and just do the math if bb shoves, would your action change if we were all 200bbs?

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