River decision facing 3 streets of donking with nut flush on paired board

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River decision facing 3 streets of donking with nut flush on paired board


Villian is a decent reg who 4 tables, plays most hands pre but is an absolute rock post. He only ever value bets and he just doesn't go after pots at all, doesn't c-bet without any equity just checks and folds to a turn donk.

On this hand when he donks I figure he has a made hand like 2 pair or a set. I haven't gone through then hands with him to see if he donks non nut FDs but I'm assuming he doesn't.

When the board pairs and my flush comes and he bets again I call to see his action on the river, hoping he checks. Once he bets the river I think the only hand he ever has here is 44xx. He would be 3 betting KKxx and 22xx is I guess the other rare possibility. I don't see him donking 2 pair even really on a 2 tone board.ALso he can't have QQxx with a FD rivered boat since I have the Qc.

FWIW I typed in the chat "44" ... "the only hand you ever have here is 44" and he replied "that is BS and you know it" I think when a 4 tabler takes the time to reply here he wants me to call.

So what do you think, good fold on the river? Do you just fold the turn?

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