Pretty Heavy Accusations In HS Chat
Posted by Sightblinder
Posted by Sightblinder posted in High Stakes
Pretty Heavy Accusations In HS Chat
rubu111: wait
urubu111: i still didnt take screen shot
urubu111: pls sit out
urubu111: serious.
Dealer: Hand cancelled
urubu111: ty
Moderator19 [Moderator]: Hello players I am Tony.
VietRussian: np
Odd_Oddsen: Hi tony
VietRussian: come sit my hu 50/1
Odd_Oddsen: Stop vietrussian multiaccount _plz_
urubu111: oddsen, can u pls say ''no ty. too good''
urubu111: viet, u too pls
urubu111: will looks awesome
Moderator19 [Moderator]: I can only help with chat issues if you need anything else please go to the lobby and click on help to contact support..
urubu111: ??
urubu111: damn. no game?
Odd_Oddsen: obv u good u ******
VietRussian: no ty too good
Odd_Oddsen: multiaccount ****''
urubu111: oddsen. now being serious
urubu111: u can't say this w/o being sure
Odd_Oddsen: im sure
Odd_Oddsen: its dangs and some prior bluefire guy
Moderator19 [Moderator]: Hello again players. Tony with you.
Odd_Oddsen: (fish)
urubu111: whatever, i know nothing.. im just saying its a big deal calling someone a multi accounter. especially if you are mr ola oddsen
urubu111: gl all. have good night
Moderator19 [Moderator]: Thank you and good luck with your game.
VietRussian: gl budy
VietRussian: hi patpat, want to play
Odd_Oddsen: sup viet fish
VietRussian: hi skj
Odd_Oddsen: hit and rujn mothefacuker
Odd_Oddsen: im not skj
Odd_Oddsen: im oddsen
VietRussian: sorry
VietRussian: sometimes I get confused
VietRussian: by your guy's hustle
Odd_Oddsen: wtf u tlaking about
Odd_Oddsen: u guys multiactounting
Odd_Oddsen: u and dang's
Odd_Oddsen: but u fish anyways
Odd_Oddsen: hope i can play u for some big volume some day
Odd_Oddsen: u gonne get busto
Odd_Oddsen: 8)
VietRussian: keep writing blogs about how phil ivey doesn't give action
Odd_Oddsen: havent wrote a blog at oll
Odd_Oddsen: all
Odd_Oddsen: wtf u talking about
VietRussian: sorry, confused you with skj again
Odd_Oddsen: haha
Odd_Oddsen: u think we multiaccount u ****ing fish
Odd_Oddsen: ur a ****ing mutliacc fish
Odd_Oddsen: u know that
Odd_Oddsen: u and |1|1|1|1|1
Odd_Oddsen: No one else but me have played on this account
Odd_Oddsen: swear to god
Odd_Oddsen: im to drunk know
Odd_Oddsen: but will play tomrrow
Odd_Oddsen: u ****ing hit and run fish
VietRussian: ok, bye skj
Odd_Oddsen: im not ksj u ****ing ******
Odd_Oddsen: im odds1
Odd_Oddsen: u f hit and run fish
Odd_Oddsen: |1|11||1
VietRussian: umadbro
Odd_Oddsen: (y)
Moderator19 [Moderator]: Hellp players I am Tony.
Moderator19 [Moderator]: Please keep the chat clean and friendly at the table.
Moderator19 [Moderator]: Thank you and good luck.
urubu111: oddsen, phil and mr china sitting out to mr urubu at 200/400
urubu111: thats worth a screen shot at my facebook
VietRussian: ok let's play urubu
Looks like like lots of high-stakes players think it's likely 1ll1ll1ll is shared, while some believe it's Dang(s) like Oddsen did.
Seems appropriate that RIO management comes out to confirm or deny that one of their lead instructors owns that account.
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