PLO50 vs AA** 240bb deep

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PLO50 vs AA** 240bb deep


My opponent just 4b me and has AA** most of the time, so this deep I call being an equity dog.
(Villain 34/23/9 , this is his 1st 4b after 56 hands)

On the flop I decide to raise his continuation bet, assuming that I should have fold equity against naked AA**.
I was wrong about it. I would definitely do the same with pair + flushdraw/top2+/NF blocker+pair+OESD.

So should I prefer to call and bluff scare cards or can he just POT any non-spade putting me on exactly the right hand?

Shouldn't he be more careful with his hand in your opinion? (although he can't afford to lose this 4b pot all that often)

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