[PL10] - Mid two pair, 3b pot
Posted by BioRio0101
Posted by BioRio0101 posted in Low Stakes
[PL10] - Mid two pair, 3b pot
There is a poster.
Guy 3b 86/25 w 24% 3b -> cbets 5/5 srp, but pretty passive in 3b pots.
Cold caller 38/25.
Thought process:
With spr aprox 1.7 we need 38% EQ on avg to stack off on this flop.
First of all at this spr our hand seems to play horrible. With lower spr I think it is a snap donk shove.
I have no clear picture of who has the most advantage on this board. Yeah only CO can have AA combos but we block those and his range is insanely wide. LAG cold caller probably has decent amount of high card rundowns, high pairs, some good mid rundowns.
I guess with our hand we are doing well EQ wise vs CO range. I also expect BB to do some do some donking with top of his range so I can discount rly strong hands out of his range and we are doing well EQ also.
-Does it make sense to pot dnk on this flop vs such opponents? Our hand seems strong enough but needs protection, it sucks in playability.
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