Multiway bloated pot; conflicted on betting v checking

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Multiway bloated pot; conflicted on betting v checking

Game is full ring live 5/10 w $20 straddle. It's pretty deep average stacks of 5k or so. Very loose game pf. 

2 limps hero raises KsTsJhQd to $130 on HJ. 5 callers including Btn who is a loose NLHE pro. 

Flop Js8d3h 

I feel compelled to bet for mostly protection and to clean up my 2pr outs vs one caller. On flip side I don't want to get raised as I'm unsure of how to react to it. These big pots that are 4way+ I struggle with choice of betting or checking because chances of somebody flopping something good go way up.

First question: bet or check?

Checks to me and I bet 400 into 720, Btn raises to 1200. Everyone else folds. He has 2k back after the 1200 and I cover.


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