HU river spot where villain slows down when he shouldn't do it

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HU river spot where villain slows down when he shouldn't do it

BB: $51.60
SB: $137.70 (Hero)
Started match poorly, but haven't done any warm-up.
As match goes on - I am dominating...
Villain c-bets a lot and lightly calls my value bets (several times big VBs).
Preflop ($0.75) (2 Players)
Hero was dealt J 5 8 9
Hero raises to $1, BB raises to $3, Hero calls $2
Villain 3-bets A LOT OOP pre... My hand is not great, hope to flop 67 or T7....
Flop ($6.75) T 2 6 (2 Players)
BB bets $6, Hero calls $6
Have nut gutter, no FD, but vs this villain - I call. Otherwise - easy fold, easy one....
Turn ($18.75) T 2 6 4 (2 Players)
BB bets $12.50, Hero calls $12.50
2nd barrel, expected, probably air barreling. This player is fearless, doesn't think mutch, pressing buttons pretty quickly.
Again, I call.. I am not much better than him (when I play like this), but I do hope I know what I am doing here...
River ($43.75) T 2 6 4 6 (2 Players)
BB checks
Now he checks. Super non-standard move, pot is to big to trap me, his SPR is << 1, it's easy c-bet shove by him.
I am 100% convinced he has some poor hand here, non AA, KK, QQ, JJ.
Maybe he has T + busted diamond draw and that's probably his best...


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