Footage for review

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Footage for review

Hey, what's up guys, I'm one of the new coaches at RIO, focusing primarily on low/midstakes PLO. I'm pretty keen to do a 'ProView' series where I review a recorded session someone sends in.  

Unfortunately a lot of my poker friends are NL or MTT guys, so I've never had the opportunity to sweat PLO sessions or discuss alot of hands and see how people play similarly/differently from me. It would be something new for me to do, think it would be fun and might create some interest.

If anyone already has some session recordings, or would be interested in doing one for this, drop me a message in this thread and email [email protected] to find out how you can get a video sent in.

Don't worry about how good or bad you play in the session, I won't be super harsh or anything like that! I often find that "mistakes" make for more interesting discussions anyway; I'd just like footage with some fun spots to go over. You'll be able to feature in this anonymously as well if you don't want the glory!

Anyway, let me know what you think. Thanks.

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