Equity threshold

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Equity threshold

Apologize if there is a newbie question just coming from NLH.

SB 3B Tight close 6 % and XR 23; I made stab cause I see inmediately, but the XR destroy me and I not sure about the equity share there again OPs+ hero has 11 outs 3x11+9 or 42 % EQ again this range so this is easy push. I miss something? another way to play this hand, Buy the way BB-BTN looks fish.

Game ID: 662800839 1/2 (PRR) Labbu (Omaha)

MP: (62.67).
Hero: CO (190). 7h7d5s3h
Seat 3: Btn (127.46).
Seat 4: SB (237.21).
Seat 5: BB (336.14).
Seat 6: UTG (189.25).

Hero raises (6)
SB 3B (19)

BB folds
HERO calls (14)
* FLOP *: [6s 8d 10h]

SB checks
Hero bets (22)
SB raises (105.90)
Hero ?

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