AAQ2 as 3bettor QQJhh 8

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AAQ2 as 3bettor QQJhh 8


villain opens at least 50% pre bvb. plays 42/20 4% 3b. AF = 1.9. only 660 hands, seems to have normal raise cb stats (SRP/3b) but not big enough of a sample to say for sure. no relevant reads, ive never seen any reg play a boat like this but i suppose JJ could make sense. if i were in his shoes, i could def see myself play AK+nfd/KT+fd like he is vs some ppl. trying to rep a str8 or naked trips that arent folding, not caring about repping a boat but just trying to fold out non Qxx

do we gii flop? can we fold now?

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