50PLO zoom - 260bb deep in 3bet pot Get donked into on an awful river

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50PLO zoom - 260bb deep in 3bet pot Get donked into on an awful river


First of all is this hand good enough to 3bet? I'm not even sure of my 3betting ranges 100bb deep. How should they change when a lot deeper like this?

If you can point out any other things about this hand I'd like to hear it (like cbetting flop or not raising turn) but I'm mostly interested about the river.

I block some full houses with the Jack but I also block some flush draws with my Tc. Not only did I not have reads on this particular player but I also don't play PLO normally so don't have any reads on the population in general. Is this the kind of spot that most people have it since they're putting in 170bb in on the river?

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