50PLO: HU 3Bet Pot, Tough Turn OOP
Posted by Lenny Seward
Posted by Lenny Seward posted in Low Stakes
50PLO: HU 3Bet Pot, Tough Turn OOP
SB: $90.70
BB: $58.45 (Hero)
BB: $58.45 (Hero)
SB is basically unknown. Never seen him. This is maybe like 40 hands in. He stacked me once in a pot with top set vs. wrap+FD.
SB Stats: 99/97, 1.6 AF, Fold to CBet in 3Bet+ Pot- 77%
Hero Stats: 22% 3Bet, AF 4.1, CBet in 3Bet+ Pot- 87%
SB Stats: 99/97, 1.6 AF, Fold to CBet in 3Bet+ Pot- 77%
Hero Stats: 22% 3Bet, AF 4.1, CBet in 3Bet+ Pot- 87%
(2 Players)
Hero was dealt
SB raises to $1.50, Hero raises to $4.50, SB calls $3
SB raises to $1.50, Hero raises to $4.50, SB calls $3
(2 Players)
Hero bets $6.50,
SB calls $6.50
Obvious flop CBet. Probably should've bet bigger.
(2 Players)
What do you guys do OTT? I have 33% against the nuts. I think once he calls flop he can have any of the flop straight/FDs, but not a combo draw (KJ:cc, etc). If I bet, I'm B/C, but if I X/C I think my hand gets turned face up. X/C may give me the ability to bluff clubs, but SPR is so low OTR he'll probably call most straights considering he only has to be right 26.5%. LMK what you would do. Thanks!
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