25plo - oesd+3NFD in 3bp
Posted by Suniram
Posted by Suniram posted in Low Stakes
25plo - oesd+3NFD in 3bp
Hey guys!
Villain is a reg, prolly squeezes his top 5% or so preflop and cbets OP+fd, 2p, AJ+fd and maybe wrap+TP.
5%:(dd:(KK,AA,QQ,J,QT,T8),J9, QT:(KK,AA)) -> Vs this range I have 27%.
So shoving here w/ like 0 FE doesn't really make sense. When I call I am pretty much hoping for an 8 or K (only 6 in the deck) or a diamond on which he shuts down. When he barrels a diamond I can't really call down, too.
Is it possible to fold this OTF?
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