Pre-emptive decisions in SNGs, an open shoving chart that isn't really "unexploitable"

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Pre-emptive decisions in SNGs, an open shoving chart that isn't really "unexploitable"

I'm relearning SnGs from scratch, haven't really touched them in a serious way for over 2.5 years.

This post is aimed at beginners,but I would love winning players to comment also.

Tons of situations in SnGs occur very Often. Using SnG wizard in combination with custom villain calling ranges based on observations I have created my own shoving chart for 9 man SnGs at 4-5 different stack depths. This Chart isn't quite an "unexploitable" strategy like the pushbot charts we see advertised elsewhere, however it does take ICM into consideration which is very useful. I have also made adjustments in certain spots to deal with things like blind pressure ( taking 0% edge or slightly -EV shoves from utg or utg+1 when we are about to lose fold equity or suffer from the blinds. ) I'm confident many winning regs use similar charts either in written form or committed to memory or from experience as a reference/general strategy for making decisions easier/quicker while mass multi-tabling. 

This was more an exercise in understanding how SnG structures can impact things, and I feel it has really made apparent the ridiculous amount of spots where we can shove over 40% of hands in an unexploitable fashion where overcalls increase our $Expectation even more. Having not played SnGs for so long, it can be hard to get a tangible grasp over why this is so, and SnGWiz equity graphs helps solidify this, which is great for dealing with downswings as you know you are playing well, and can easily review hands properly. This understanding also means I'l be able to tear apart any SnG structure that appears in the future to find a winning strat.

This is a first revision, so I want feedback. Specifically, if you play 9mans at small stakes, can you talk a bit about BB and SB calling ranges? I think I have made some reasonable assumptions about what to expect. If you find any errors let me know!

I have set edge% to 0.1% in all positions except for those in which I feel we may want to be slightly more risk averse or on the other side of the spectrum are expecting loss of fold equity.

the spreadsheet is below:



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