Weird River Call Efficiency, not sure why

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Weird River Call Efficiency, not sure why


wanted to ask you guys something. My RCE for my sample of 165k hands is currently 1.85. The weird part is, I think that Im way overcalling rivers and bluffcatching way too much. Im breakeven in the sample and the quality of my game is very unstable (ie Im playing very well most of the time and just dont fold anything ever during some sessions).
My WTSD is 28%, WSD 56%, WWSF 49%. My call cbet in non3b+ pot f/t/r is 44.5/57.5/27, my call cbet in 3b+ pots is 55/62/37.

What I dont understand....If I set filter: VPIP=on, call any river bet, made hand= one pair otr, Im losing a lot (20+ buyins), but my RCE is still shown as 1.14. How is that possible? Isnt RCE supposed to be negative (EDIT: I meant <1..obv RCE cant be negative)? Im also losing with my twopairs.

Im not sure what should I check next, considering that everyone says that RCE is supposed to be ~1.2-1.3.

Im using PT4.


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