TT strange x/r ott
Posted by Tomasz K
Posted by Tomasz K posted in Low Stakes
TT strange x/r ott
BN: $28.33
SB: $61.01
BB: $27.84
UTG: $63.34
MP: $25.00
Rake is $0.72
villain is 24/19 3b 11 btn vs co - in last hands he was really active 3bettor.
cb 3b ip 77/65/57
xb + fold single raised pot 67
wtsd 23/wwsf 47/w$sd 49
winrate after 50kh -3bb.
I assume he'ss a weak player, he's a this type of guy who cannot xb/call his mid walue range I think - looking at his high cb freq and high xb/fold stat. I think he might try to cb one time OTF trying to fold 3rd pairs and he's going to give up OTT. So I decided to XC.
I wanted to xf on this card, but looking at his sizing ~30% on this runnout is super weak for me. I think he's capped to max. TPTK, nothing better, so I decided to x/r when I can rep. really value heavy range.
Question for you, do you think xc OTF is a mistake?
I think x/r turn is really nice if xc flop is correct decission
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