Trouble 3bet pots OOP A79 2tone

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Trouble 3bet pots OOP A79 2tone

None: Jon Doe: 0
3bet bb vs btn, flop A79 with 2 spades

I am lost with some hands, and curious at ur advice.

T9s without bdfd/fd
T9s with bdfd
AJo without bdfd
ATs with bdfd
78s without bdfd
78s with bdfd

How should I incorporate hands like this in my ranges? Like I can start playing with crev but tbh I am just totally lost where to put those hands. Just those hands that can't bet 3, but can't really valuebet multiple streets, and are not insane vulnerable, having a lot of trouble with it.

Right now I would bet all of those hands, but check AJo with the bdfd.

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