To cbet or not to cbet?
Posted by RunItTw1ce
Posted by RunItTw1ce posted in Low Stakes
To cbet or not to cbet?
SB is a bit of a whale with a wide range, even when cold calling.
MP $5
hero btn 5d4d $17
SB ($127) cold calls
MP folds
Flop ($41) Ts 9h 7d
Hero cbet half pot
Obviously bottom of my range here and a board I would check back with a lot of my range. I think I can get enough AQ AK KQ hands to fold here though compared to the QQ JJ combos that cold call. Villain does have a pretty wide range. Would say he is cold calling AJo+, KQo+, most PP, all suited broadways and a few SCs and some AXs as well.
Is there enough Air in his range to warrant a cbet here?
Snowie's Advice
Preflop - snowie is making a PSB ($18) here with this combo 100% of the time.
Flop - Snowie is checking 95% and cbetting half pot 5%.
I just wonder if this an auto profit spot to cbet.
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