Theoretical: villain has wide 3bet but non-existent 4bet

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Theoretical: villain has wide 3bet but non-existent 4bet

Hero is dealt XX and opens preflop. Villain 3bets, you glance at his stats and its clear he is doing this very wide. 

4betting will get a ton of folds but you are holding KK/QQ/AKs do you really want him auto-folding here?

If we do decide to flat KK/QQ and the board comes down Ace high. i feel villain can play this spot very well. His Ax bluffs have now improved to the best hand and he can bet or check the flop and we are simply guessing with very few outs to improve.

You have JJ/TT, this hand needs slightly more protection than the ones above, is 4betting to protect a viable option?

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