Simple question about pot odds

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Simple question about pot odds

HJ: 50.02
CO: 72.53
BN: 50
SB: 50.25 (Hero)
BB: 27.56
Preflop (0.75) (5 Players)
Hero was dealt 7 A
HJ folds, CO raises to 1.50, BN folds, Hero raises to 5, BB folds, CO calls 3.50
Flop (10.75) 5 4 K (2 Players)
Hero bets 5.25, CO calls 5.25
Turn (21.25) 5 4 K 2 (2 Players)
Hero bets 10.50, CO raises to 39, Hero folds
Final Pot
CO wins 67.77

First I want to say that I suck at mathematics. It's so embarrassing that I can't even calculate pot odds after all these years of playing.. First time I heard about pot odds was like 5 years ago.

Let's try:

-My pot odds are 70,5:28,5 = 2,47:1

-My probability to hit better hand is: Flush or str8 (46-12):12 = 2,83:1, or if Aces are outs (46-15):15 = 2,06:1.

If pot odds are bigger than my probability to hit better hand I can call. Is this correct ?

How you guys have time to calculate these when multitabling ? Is there some simple rules that I can use in game situations ? 

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