5/10 Set vs 3 flop monocolor Call or Raise flop?

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5/10 Set vs 3 flop monocolor Call or Raise flop?

Hi. Yesterday I had the next situation. 


I have KJ with K of clubs. I pay flop becouse I have a nice hand and there are 2 fishes behind me. That's standard. The fishes fold and I'm against the regular who bets again.

My thought in that moment is:

1. He bet 50% flop so he most likely didn't have a set. I also block the top set but I don't think that he has it anyway.

2. He bet against 3 players on flop and he is betting turn so im probably beat.(QQ-AA with or without clubs and Ahigh flushes are his range in my oppinion) He could also have smaller flushes but I guess he would bet them stronger on flop in order to protect his hand.

3. When I call this flop I have all my sets(JJ calls preflop in order to trap fishes on the blinds) so in turn I can represent a full. I could also raise Ahigh flush for value.

So I become a bluff in order to make him fold most of his better hands. I think his flushes should fold river almost every time.

What do you think about this bluff?

I was discussing the hand with a friend today and he told me that he would not put me on a full on turn becouse  I should raise my set on flop. 

We had a discussion there because in my oppinion Raising flop with a set is not the most EV option. 

We make the fishes fold lots of their worst hands(weak and medium J, 2ndpairs and some draws) which will pay and make the pot bigger for the future streets otherwise. On the other hand if we raise and the regular shoves we are most likely beat.

In my oppinion calling or raising depends of the kind of fishes that we have on the blinds. Against normal fishew who are able to fold medium hands on this spot(in my oppinion) we preffear to call for reasons exposed in the past lines. If there is a big whale in blinds and we know that he won't fold a Top pair or a draw to a raise in which case we preffear to raise for value against him.

But I wanted to ask you guys. What do you think about playing a set on flop? Would you raise in this case(not crazy fishes in blinds) or you would just call? 

Do you think a regular will think I have called with Set on flop and that makes my bluff EV+++ or you think he won't believe it?


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