postflop theory 2.
Posted by tesla79
Posted by tesla79 posted in Low Stakes
postflop theory 2.
Hello Guys!
I think I built important rocks into my postflop game:
THX to these nice guys!
So I looked at main postflop stats of my most played villains and myself:
My thought/impressions:
- regs can be very different
- so GTO stuffs are not the best for a small stakes reg (MDF, 1-A, etc.)
- but my low cbet can be a huge leak, because most of the guys FTCB is around 50%
- let’s say average cbet size is 65%, so over 39% FTCB we can Cbet any2 card as a bluff
Q: is there any part of our range that we can play by more profit if we not make a cbet?
- cbet success is not really depends on cbet frequency
Q: is there any sense to play a balanced style? (at these stakes…)
Cbet polarized, top and bottom of our range
-Weak air/draws
Checking back middle of our range:
-2nd / 3rd pairs
-Strong air/draws
- after the population read we can say regs overfolds OTR also
Q: can you imagine that we triple barrel all of our AIR as a default play, without history? /it can be very profitable by the numbers)
OMG I wrote a lot off bullshit. How could I move on?!?!?! :-)
THX, regards: T79
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