NL25 AJs 3bet pot vs. fisho
Posted by screamdustry
Posted by screamdustry posted in Low Stakes
NL25 AJs 3bet pot vs. fisho
vs. 30/15, AFq:35% 1,1k hands
ft3bet: 23% IP, 63% OOP
ftcbet 3bet pot 50% (6), ftcbet regular 49% (45)
check/raise flop 9%
wtsd 24, w$sd 50
Preflop: isolation and value.
Flop: valuebet, vs raise i just planned to call and peel on safe cards turn/river
Turn: well, i thought its really great card for me and there is no way ship is gonna be EV- here, but... looking at his range, he have some FDs with Kx and he have also QTs in his range
MP2 56.61% 56.61% 0.00% 99, 22, QTs, AsQs, KsQs, AsJs, KsJs, QsJs, AsTs, KsTs, JsTs, As9s, Ks9s, Qs9s, Js9s, Ts9s, As8s, Ks8s, Qs8s, Js8s, Ts8s, As5s, As4s, As3s, As2s
MP3 43.39% 43.39% 0.00% AdJd
^ Its really optimistic range i think. Please notice that we are 140bb deep.
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