NL20 SH ATs 4b bluff pre leads to trouble

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NL20 SH ATs 4b bluff pre leads to trouble

None: Jon Doe: 0 <-- Hand

Villain is 25/21 ; 3b vs MP - 9 (70) ; 2.9 AF; Fvs4B - 33 (6)

Pre: having such a big 3b vs this position, I am guessing it's ok to 4b, having the A blocker.
When he flats my 4b, I am concerned he could be trapping w/ Premiums a lot? since I show a lot of strength 4betting from that position

Flop: That being said, how do u play flop? I am checking to give him the chance to bluff at it, but does he really have that much bluffs in his range? maybe AKhh, AQhh.

When he overbet shoves, he could either have AA/KK trying to get it in OTF vs JJ/QQ, or AhKh, AhQh (more rare).

I am inclined towards folding if I am going with my read that he cannot be calling light pre vs my 4b. Plus when he shoves, he knows I am only folding AK and calling JJ+, maybe folding JJ though
That being said, what do you do?

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