NL100 3bet pot OOP AQo on 89Tr flop

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NL100 3bet pot OOP AQo on 89Tr flop

BB: $134.45
UTG: $97.15
HJ: $108.85
CO: $191.35
BN: $100
SB: $127.60 (Hero)
CO 25/22 reg 69%fold 3bet
Btn 20/16 reg, 67% (3), he X/R 2 pairs....fold CB 56%(9) only 250 hands
Preflop ($1.50) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt A Q
UTG calls $1, HJ folds, CO raises to $4, BN calls $4, Hero raises to $14.50, BB folds, UTG folds, CO folds, BN calls $11
i missread stats because i thought they were correct for Btn but in fact there are not good since i have too few hands
i squeez for value, a little bigger than usual because i m 190 deep vs CO
Flop ($36.00) T 8 9 (2 Players)
Hero checks, BN bets $15
flop is a bad play for my range, lets say i squeez a 9% depolarized range (does not seems crazy) i will have a lot of overcards and only few overpairs , only 1 set...
he can has more sets, less overcards and less overcards, so his range is stornger
i dont know how he plays it seems easy to raise flop or flaot because my 3bet ranges does not hit this baord
seems a X/F, what do you think?

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