nl100 3bet pot 2 pair ip vs X/shove monotone AJx 100d

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nl100 3bet pot 2 pair ip vs X/shove monotone AJx 100d

CO: $94.50 (Hero)
BN: $71.55
SB: $124.67
BB: $228.42
HJ: $48.37
BB 17/14 4% 3bet , 7% 3bet on BB, 360 hands CB 62% X/R flop 11% (9)
Preflop ($1.50) (5 Players)
Hero was dealt Q Q
HJ folds, Hero raises to $3, BN folds, SB folds, BB raises to $11, Hero calls $9
this guy is tight, doesnt 3bet a lot so i thnik i cant 4bet/call shove
i find it weak to fold QQ to 3bet so i call ip not sure hwo to play vs 3 barrel with an overpaire...expecting him to Check somewhere to control stakcs
let say he 3bets 7% BB AA-TT,AKo-AQo,KQo,AKs-ATs,KQs-KJs,QJs
Flop ($24.50) 4 A J (2 Players)
BB checks, Hero bets $16, BB raises to $216.42
i have to call 66.5 to win 123, i need 35%
what can he X/R shove? sets, 2 pairs all draws?
that would be TcTh,TdTh,TsTh,JdJc,JsJc,JsJd,QcQh,KcQh,KdQh,KsQh,AcQh,AdQh,AsQh,KhQc,KdQc,KsQc,AdQc,AsQc,KhQh,KcKh,

Board: 4h Ah Jh

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 80.522% 78.30% 02.22% 34884 988.50 { AcAd, AcAs, AdAs, KcKh, KdKh, KhKs, QcQh, JcJd, JcJs, JdJs, TcTh, TdTh, ThTs, AcKc, AdKd, AsKs, AcQc, AcJc, AdJd, AsJs, AcTc, AdTd, AsTs, KcQc, KhQh, AcKd, AcKh, AcKs, AdKc, AdKh, AdKs, AsKc, AsKd, AsKh, AcQh, AdQc, AdQh, AsQc, AsQh, KcQh, KdQc, KdQh, KhQc, KsQc, KsQh }
Hand 1: 19.478% 17.26% 02.22% 7689 988.50 { QdQs }

so i have to fold, i only got 19%

what do you think of it?

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