Live 2-5 Facing 3b
Posted by Ryan
Posted by Ryan posted in Mid Stakes
Live 2-5 Facing 3b
Live 2-5
Button Straddles $10
3 limps
Hero in LJ has TT and raises to $65
CO is an unknown player in his 50's and has a $380 stack, he 3bets to $175 after 15 seconds of deliberation
Folds to Hero
Basically, my experience playing 1-3 tells me that alot of live players are choosing not to 3b AK, and i imagine an older guy thats not full stacked is prob not 3betting it anywhere near 100% either. If we do call, and flop an overpair, there will be about a half pot bet left in play, which means I suppose we just call it off. I ran an equity calc vs a range of JJ+ and 8-11 combos of AK, and we barely have enough to continue. If he for example only 3bets the suited combos it gets worst. It seems possible he could show up on occasion with a hand outside the range we are giving him, but if thats the case then he would have all the AK combos which would make this a call pre and prob a call on flop.
Is it super nitty to just fold here, or am i somewhat justified in doing so? Because thats what I did. I can see merit in continuing however and would certainly if I thought he was 3betting all combos of AK
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