KTs 3 bet pot.
Posted by MattS
Posted by MattS posted in Low Stakes
KTs 3 bet pot.
UTG: $17.06
CO: $37.08
BN: $39.89 (Hero)
SB: $34.44
This would be a clear fold but for the low low price of 4.7 BB.
Against a thinking player who is raising too small, we can peel a flop here right?
I thought about fastplaying but I didn't know how much fold equity we would realize on this board.
How much fold equity can we realize? If we did raise, how much should we consider? $4.50 straight? $6 straight?
I think the villain probably has a hand he'll go with here - in my game there's not a lot of air in the value betting range on the turn. I don't think a raise all in is unreasonable - a raise could fold offsuit AJ, And maybe a busted offsuit queen that snuck in as well.
The only downside to the call is now our raising range is weaker draws and the nutted hands. I'm not sure if villain perceives that however.
I guess the question is - if villains rarely bluff or represent a balanced range, should we assume they are thinking about our range?
Plays itself. Not enough combos of qq, jj, qj in the world to deter a call.
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